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all men that have ever lived can be raised for the second resurrection but only all
men excluding those involved in the first resurrection (Dan 12:2 ‘many’, Rev 1:7).
Whatever resurrection is experienced, all men are judged at the Last Judgement
(Rev 20:12).
(Matthew 16:28 refers in part to the coming of the Holy Ghost which is God as is
Jesus the Son of Man even though they are distinct Persons of the Trinity. It also
refers to ascension by Christians prior to the second coming.)
The first tribulation on Earth commences (Psalm 73:19, Joel 2:2, 1 Thes 5:3).
Devil spirits prepare their attacks just before the time (Luke 17:37). There are two
resurrection periods. Christians though immune to the depradations, post the
changing or resurrection of the saints in the first resurrection, of the first tribulation
are not absented from it as they reign with Christ and this reign starts immediately
(Acts 1:11, 1 Thes 4:17, Rev 20:4-6). Those converted during the tribulation are
included in the second resurrection but will not reign with Christ on earth during
the 1,000 year reign (Rev 20:6).
The first tribulation ends early on in the 1,000 year reign (God’s time) in which he
is joined by the risen saints and those that convert on Earth (Rev 20:6). This
occurs simultaneously with Satan being imprisoned in the bottomless pit (Isaiah
14:3-19, Rev 20:2). All nations have Christianity as their formal religion (Psalm
72:17, 86:9, Zech 2:11-13). This period is further described in Psalm 102:15-17.
Christ reigns (Zep 2:11, Rev 20:6) and dwells amongst His people (Rev 20:6). The
Law is not practised in Israel but rather Christianity (Jer 3:16-17), the time period
being referred to switches to the second resurrection at “neither shall that”. Israel
is abundant as a Christian nation (Jer 23:5-8 referring to the first resurrection, as
does 31:34, 33:15-16 refers to the second resurrection except by the word 'safely'
which refers to the first, Ezek 34:14 & 25-31 referring to the first). Christians
become the new Israel in effect (Ezek 36:25-29). Ezekiel 36:27 refers to both the
first and second resurrection periods. The Word is widely understood and again the
following verse reference is to both resurrection periods (Hab 2:14). The
inhabitants of Jerusalem have long life and peace (Zech 8:1-13).
This period ends when Satan is loosed, he does not escape by his own power (Rev
20:2-3, 7). The second tribulation commences (Isaiah 13:1-22, 24:1-23, 25: 1-12,
Isaiah 51:6). Babylon, and Ninevah (Nah 3:7), in the generic meaning of the devil
spirit realm, are destroyed in the final battle (Jer 50:21-24 and onwards through to
end of chapter 51, which also refers to other times). The second tribulation and