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final coming of Jesus are described in Luke 21:20-23, 25-29, 32-36 and Acts 2:19-
               20.  Acts 2:21 refers to all time and Acts 2:17-18 refers to now.

               There is widespread apostasy, the committing of the unforgivable sin - the
               abomination spoken of by Daniel (Mat 24:15, Mark 13:14).  The second tribulation
               is described from Matthew 24:15-35. This event’s exact timing is unknowable
               despite the expiry of 1,000 years in God’s time (Mat 24:36, Acts 1:7).  The Word
               refers back to the first resurrection period changing process (pre first tribulation)
               from Matthew 24:37-42. Meanwhile Mark 13:14-32 covers the second
               resurrection.  The mysterious distinct Personhood of the Son means that He does
               not want to know what as God he knows (Mark 13:32) because He is fully Man as
               well as God (Mat 24:36).

               The final battle of Armageddon takes place (Jer 1:15-16, 25:9, 26, 29, 33, 30:6-9,
               11, Joel 2:10-11, 30-32, Rev 16:16) which has a battle between spiritual forces at
               its end (Mat 24:29) and is followed by the triumphant wedding feast (Rev 19:9)
               and the joining of the now perfect wife (Rev 19:7) or Church (Rev 19:8) to the
               Lamb Christ (Rev 19: 9).  This is the Father’s Kingdom (Mat 26:29) which is also
               righteousness,  peace and joy in the Holy Ghost (Rom 14:17). There is a new
               spiritual heaven and a new physical earth and no more sea (Isaiah 34:4, Zep 1:2,
               18, 3:8, Rev 6:14, Rev 21:1).

               This represents almost the last stage of building the effective Second 'Creation'
               (Gen 1:1, Isaiah 51:6... ‘the heavens shall vanish away like smoke’, Isaiah 60:18-
               21, 2 Cor 5:17, Gal 6:15, Eph 1:9-11), in accordance with the duality principle, in
               that all of Creation is effected (Gen 1:1, Rev 21:1). (The Second Creation does not
               commence until the last repentence (Rev 22:3)). Creation is ongoing and outside of
               our time reference (Isaiah 48:7). Angels are also subject to judgement and the stars
               of the Universe change at this time (Isaiah 34:4, Rev 6:13).  Only angels that are
               saved by becoming Christians prior to the judgement will be saved at this point
               (Isaiah 34:4, Col 1:20).  The Second Creation will forever remain perfect, once all
               are saved, and yet free will also have run its course and still continue to do so but
               without sin ever being known again (Rev 21:4, 22:3).  This is the purpose of
               Creation (Rev 21:6, 22:13) namely for it to be changed by free will, which allows
               for sin, into a second Creation with free will but never with any sin (Eccl 8:11, Eph
               1:9-11, Rev 21:5, 8, 27, 22:11).  By free will all will believe in Christ and He will
               be the God of every man (Micah 4:5, 1 Cor 12:3, Phil 2:11, Rev 22:3). As the
               second 'Creation' happens during and after the second resurrection and its
               associated and preceding tribulation, it is not really sensible to refer to this as a
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