P. 243
1,000 year reign of Christ on Earth
(Mat 24:9, Rev 13:7).
Godly Force (Rev 19:20, 20:2) (Rev 16:16, 17:14, 20:9-10)
Selection of Saints (1 Thes 4:16-17) (Rev 20:15)
Second Coming (1 Thes 4:17, Rev 20:6) 'Third' Coming (Rev 17:14, 21:1-6,
Changing or Resurrection of Saints
(1 Thes 4:16-17) (Rev 20:15, 21:4, 22:3)
It is essential for a clear understanding of the Word’s prophecies to understand that
the vast majority of end-time prophecies refer to the second resurrection process
since it is the more significant (Mat 24:15-36) and the time period of its
accompanying and preceding tribulation (Mat 24:21). Those few references that
relate to the second coming which occurs before the first tribulation are of especial
relevance and interest for us Christians today. We are called to be on the look out
for the signs of its happening (1 Thes 5:4-6). The imminence of its happening in
God’s reckoning of time can be discerned by those seeking after God as did Noe
(Noah) who parabolically knew the Flood was approaching (Mat 24:37) but this
event will catch most Christians unawares in their flesh (Mat 24:44). The world
will be bountiful at this time (Mat 24:38, Luke 17:27). As for the second
resurrection period the timing of this is unknowable to us or the angels and the
Son, in a mystery, chooses not to know it whilst also knowing it (Mat 24:36, Mark
13:32, John 21:17). Many passages join the time periods together without
introduction (Mat 24:14 referring to the first and ending at 'nations', Mat 24:14
referring to the second and starting with 'and').
Some features of the period prior to the Second Coming or first resurrection (The
Rapture) are:
Secular knowledge will increase with people learning a great deal (2 Tim 3:7).
There will be many people acting symbolically and liturgically in their ‘worship’
as superficial Christians but not actually being Christians, denying the supernatural
aspects and/or much of the Word as relevant to today’s reality (2 Tim 3:5).