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third ‘coming’ since anything that would be 'come to', such as the earth, will be
               simultaneously new (Rev 21:3).

               Revelation 21:8 and 21:27 do not represent the re-emergence of the Law (Rev
               22:3) but rather stress the fact that by belief in Christ (Rev 21:6) and Salvation
               (Rev 21:27 “book of life”) such acts do not carry the Law’s judgement.  Only those
               saved are guiltless not because they have never lied, or committeth other
               abominations under the Law or whatever (Rom 2:1-4, 22-23, Rev 21:8, 27) but
               because they are saved and are therefore as if they had never sinned in any respect
               under the Law, this also despite failing to keep the two key commandments under
               grace (Rom 8:1, 1 John 1:8, 3:9).  Crucially also once changed or resurrected and
               free from the old flesh that sinned (Rom 6:6-7, 7:25, 1 John 1:8) they will never sin
               (1 John 3:9).  After all are saved there is nobody to sin against the Law (Rom 6:6-
               7, 7:18, 25, Rev 21:8, 22:3). Free will still exists in the Second Creation and people
               could chose to come under the Law, but nobody elects for this option (Rev 22:3).
               Those in the Lake of Fire, post second 'Creation' (Rev 21:8), continue in their sins
               against the Law until they repent to be under grace as Christians in the eternal
               second 'Creation' (1 Cor 12:3, Phil 2:11, Rev 22:3).

               In between the end of the battle of Armageddon and the marriage supper the final
               judgement takes place (Rev 20:13).  This involves the following sequence:

               The Armageddon battle is concluded (Rev 19:18). The wild beast and the false
               prophet are eternally condemned (Rev 19:20), having been exposed to the gospel
               to God’s satisfaction (1 Pet 3:19, 4:6), which is being cast alive into the eternal
               torment of the lake of fire which is that part of hell, called hell fire (Mat 18:9,
               25:41, 46, Rev 14:10-11, 19:20, 20:10).  This is by default a place of everlasting
               punishment (Mat 25:46). After the last judgement the devil spirits whilst dead are
               yet, mysteriously, also tormented in the lake of fire (Rev 20:10, 14). There is night
               in the lake of fire (Rev 20:10) but not in the second Heaven, the new Jerusalem
               (Rev 21:25). Satan is then also cast into the lake of fire (Rev 20:10).  The lake of
               fire is the second death of Revelation 20:6, 14 and is, by default, permanent (Rev
               2:11, 14:11).  It is a place of torment (Rev 14:11).  Eventually, even from here,
               those experiencing this state repent and are saved (Mat 16:17, 1 Cor 12:3, Phil
               2:11).  This accords with the Prime Principle because just as all beings must be
               given the maximum chance of Salvation, once they have rejected it they must
               equally as a default live with their choice, which was known by them to be an
               eternal one (Rom 1:19-20). Furthermore the alternative of Salvation would be even
               more intolerable to them (Mat 6:24, Luke 16:13).  Finally they must ‘exist’ as they
               still wish to do so even in this state (Luke 16:23-24), so strong is the desire to be
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