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history. Christians have so far been in one heart at the level of God’s spirit (Ezek
11:19) and in the milk of the Word (Heb 5:12-14). This is not the case yet as
regards the meat of the Word or the doctrines of the Third Heaven (2 Cor 12:2-5,
Heb 5:12-14).
One Christian appropriates, the Porter (Mark 13:34, John 10:3), which is not
known to the World as it happens (1 Thes 5:2), followed by others as Church
involves plurality in this context of Christ's second coming into and unto His
Church (Mat 18:20), this is the Immediately Precipitating Event to the Second
Coming but is NOT the Second Coming itself, rather it is the precursor and
'enabler' [Eph 5:27, this verse refers to both the Rapture (Church is Bride now and
then, Rev 22:17) and to the final marriage of the Church and Christ during the
Second Resurrection process at which point the Church becomes a wife, Rev 19:7]
and then:
The first resurrection commences at the ‘Second Coming’ in that:
Firstly the dead Christians are resurrected (1 Thes 4:16) this is the same process as
the changing that occurs for alive Christians (Job 14:14). Then, secondly, the alive
Christians are changed (1 Thes 4:17) and meet the Lord in the air and clouds (1
Thes 4:17). This is the Second Coming (Psalm 68:33, 1 Thes 4:16). This coming
is like a world-wide lightning (Luke 17:24), with the coming of Jesus similar to his
ascension (Acts 1:11) and starting in the East (Mat 24:27).
Eventually, at the second coming, we will be perfect men comprising the,
mysteriously now already, perfect body of Christ (Eph 4:13) and there will be one
agreed doctrine (Eph 4:13-14). In the meantime Christ’s body is perfect and we
are part of it but are not yet perfect in our flesh which is a mystery (Eph 5:30, 32)
although we should be (Jam 1:4). Despite this though our flesh is righteous even
now now by its ongoing forgiveness and washing in the blood of Christ (Psalm
103:12). A Christian that appropriates such that he has a youthful flesh without
spot or blemish (Job 33:25, Psalm 56:4, 103:4-5, 10-12, 104:30, John 8:51, Rom
8:32-39, Eph 5:27) is still not inhabiting the immmortal flesh (1 Cor 15:51-54) and
the tendency of the pre-changing or resurrection flesh is sinful even after
appropriation (Rom 7:23, 25).
Thus all saints in existence up to this point are changed with bodies like that of the
risen Lord with a perfect flesh and are immortal (Rom 6:5, 1 Cor 15:51-52, Phil
3:21, 2 Tim 1:10, Rev 20:6). Such men are like angels in Heaven and will be
physically ‘immune’ to tribulation on the Earth (Mark 12:25). This means that not