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God allowed Satan and at least some of his devil spirits to stay in Heaven to test
               the angels not under his control and all righteous men in Heaven (2 Chron 18:18-
               22, Rev 12:10), which he did by continual accusation (Rev 12:9-10).

               Man was created (via the process of Darwinian evolution) and born into affliction
               with the four basic afflictions of mankind which are described in Revelation 6:1-8
               as four seals. Another affliction exists later, the fifth seal, which is Christian
               persecution (Rev 6:9-11). Adam, mankind i.e. the evolved men (Gen 5:1-1), is
               exposed to the exigencies of Nature (Gen 3:16-19) and is under the Law (Gal 4:4)
               and becomes ever more enmeshed in the Law-in-spirit-and-flesh which the
               parabolical Adam did not initially experience in the Garden of Eden (Gen 2:16).
               Adam, in the parable acts as a symbol for this sorry state as he is condemned to a
               harsh lifestyle when he too, later, becomes under the Law-in-spirit-and-flesh (Gen
               3:18-19). The parabolical Adam became instantly under the Law-in-spirit, the
               curse, by rejecting Grace (Gen 1:29) and after that he sinned against the Law and
               the Golden Rule as he failed to do to Eve as he, Adam, wanted to be done by (Gen
               1:26-29, 2:16-17, 24, 3:12) and vice versa. All this before they (Adam and Eve)
               came under the Law-in-spirit-and-flesh (Gen 3:7).

               Once under and then against the Law-in-spirit by means of the failure to keep the
               Golden Rule, Adam (evolved Mankind) began later to be exposed to the, same,
               Law, individual command by command (Gen 5:1-2, Deut 26:16). The Law-in-
               spirit-and-flesh. This carries a set of curses (Deut 28:15) hence the curse of
               Genesis 3:17.  The Golden Rule established that to eat of the forbidden fruit was a
               sin against the Law-in-spirit as this was not doing to Eve as Adam would be done
               by (Gen 2:17, 2:25, 3:8-12) and vice versa.  The Golden Rule is the Law as are,
               added together, each and every of all the individual commands of the Law (Mat
               7:12, Jam 2:10, Rev 22:18-19).  The parabolical Adam and Eve did not do to each
               other as they would be done by but rather as the Serpent wished them to do to each
               other so they did (Gen 3:1, 6). Once under the Law-in-spirit they should have
               obeyed the Law which is the Golden Rule and the Tree of Life by eating the Tree
               of Life and so escaping from the Law by means of the Law (Gen 3:22, John 6:50,
               Rev 22:13).  Only by the Word which is the Law and Christ can this be achieved
               (Gen 3:24,  Luke 4:4, John 1:4, 6:35, 48-50, 63, Rev 22:13, 18-19).

               The Word is God and is the Person of Christ in the Trinity (Ex 12:46, Psalm 34:20,
               John 1:1, 14, 6:63, 10:35, Rev 19:13-16).  The Godhead includes the Word and
               therefore everyone is exposed to the Word as they are exposed to God and thereby
               are without excuse (John 1:1, Rom 1:20).  God is the Godhead (Rom 1:20) and
               God is Three Persons (Gen 1:26, 3:22) in One Person (Ex 3:14, Mat 28:19).
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