P. 234
There is an eternal ‘present’ (Ecc 3:15) which God inhabits (Psalm 90:4, 2 Pet 3:8,
Rev 22:13). As a result His Word reflects this and is not written with a normal
tense sense. Time as a linear experience, that is as we understand it, will end at the
end of the second tribulation (Rev 10:6). The fact of star death is acknowledged in
the Word without any qualification as to the time taken (Job 9:7). The ‘beginning’
of God and of his Creation is therefore accomplished in a mysterious unit of time
(Job 36:26).
There is a duality principle in the future as there was in the past for there are two
resurrections (Rev 20:5, 12). These are separated by the 1,000 year (God’s time)
reign of Christ and his priests (or Christians) on Earth (Psalm 37:9-10, 46:10,
47:5, 9, 67:4, 1 Cor 15:52, Rev 20:6).
It is the last time (1 John 2:18) between now and the second coming of Christ.
Time will cease to be experienced at the end of the second tribulation period (Rev
The sequence of events as we understand time is as follows. It should be noted
that many of these events overlap and all exist in a kind of eternal present from
God’s eternal perspective, making what follows somewhat artificial, arbitrary and
a necessary over-simplification.
God exists and creates (Gen 1:1, John 1:1).
Satan rebelled (Ezek 28:15, Rev 12:3). He could then be on Earth or to be more
exact in the spirit world of the Earth (Job 1:6-7, John 7:7, 15:19), or in Heaven
(Job 1:6-7, Rev 12:3, 10) or the parabolical Garden of Eden (Gen 3:1) having the
necessary multi-presence for his role which is to test, tempt, steal, kill and destroy
which he does under license from God (Job 1:12, Dan 9:13, John 10:10).
He caused a third of the angels to follow him (Rev 12:4). They were then cast
down to Earth by Satan (Rev 12:4) but some at least could remain in some sense in
Heaven (2 Chron 18:18-22).
God condemned all the fallen angels to chains of darkness in Hell and their default
position is eternal damnation (2 Peter 2:4). A place exists called Hell where, by
default, devil spirits and, later, Satan are placed (Ezek 28:15, 2 Peter 2:4-5).