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The Gospel will be preached globally (Mat 24:14, until 'and', Mark 13:10).
The World be in abundance and relatively peaceful (Mat 24:38, Luke 17:27, 1
Thes 5:3), not in tribulation as the first tribulation comes after the Rapture once all
the intercessionary goodness or ‘salt’ has been suddenly removed from the earth
(Mat 5: 13).
There will be many heresies and false teaching that contradict the operation of the
two great commandments and these will confuse people (John 14:21 both of the
two great commandments, 23 the first commandment, 15:12 the second
commandment, 17:21, 2 Pet 2:2).
Christ could come again at any time as the prophecies of Matthew 24:14, until
'and', and Mark 13:10 are already fulfilled and this has been the case from Paul’s
day as even then the whole world had, as a mystery, spiritual and supernatural
access to the gospel (Col 1:6). This is a mystery but relates to the fact that the
gospel is known by men’s spirits even if in the flesh they have never heard it (Rom
1:20, 10:18). This does not detract from the fact that it is good for the gospel to be
physically preached in obedience to Jesus and heard (Mark 16:15, Rom 10:14-17)
but only the spirit of a man can receive the gospel anyway (Rom 8:5, 10:18, 1 Cor
2:14) . Likewise the dead that have not heard the gospel are preached to in either
Heaven or Hell (Luke 16:22-31, 1 Pet 3:19-20, 4:6) but even they likewise had no
excuse for not responding to it, when alive, as their spirits knew of it all the time
they were alive (Rom 1:20).
The Second Resurrection Process
The end of the following verse which talks of the nations never learning war any
more refers to the second resurrection period (Isaiah 2:4, 65:17-25 - second
resurrection period, except verse 20 - first resurrection period).
All those alive, but not Christians (Mat 24:22, 1 Thes 4:17 refers to alive
Christians in both resurrections), die prior to the Judgement of the second
resurrection (Rev 20:12-13). Spirits are included in this Judgement (2 Pet 2:4).
The second resurrection includes the resurrection of everyone not already
resurrected or changed (Job 30:23), i.e. it excludes those included in the Rapture of
the first resurrection process (Rev 20:4-6). It includes the dead who have received
a preaching in Hell or Heaven, after the rapture, whether or not they believed it
(Rom 14:9, 1 Pet 3:19, 4:6) and the unbelieving dead before the Rapture (Rev
20:12-15). All these and those included in the Rapture, that is everyone, then come