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whilst alive, been placed in Heaven temporarily e.g. the apostles Paul and John
respectively (2 Cor 12:2, Rev 4:1-2).
The dead, as a default, can not communicate with the alive on Earth and the
unsaved dead never do (2 Sam 12:23, Job 7:9-10, 14:12, 16:22, Eccl 9:5-6, 1 Pet
3:19). Those in Heaven can communicate with those in Hell (Luke 16:19-31) and
vice versa (Rev 14:10) so that the Prime Principle be enacted but there is transfer
from Hell to Heaven only for those who are saved by their exposure to the gospel
in Hell as was the rich man at the end of the episode recorded i.e. after verse 31
(Luke 16:25 ‘son’). Transfer to Hell, for the unsaved experiencing the gospel in
Heaven, is possible and occurs if the gospel is rejected (1 Pet 4:6, 2 Pet 1:4). Intra-
Hell communication is possible (Ezek 32:21). Where God, not Man or devil spirits,
allows it under the Prime Principle then the dead in hell can speak to the other dead
in Hell (Ezek 31:2, 16, 18, 32:21).
The saved Samuel does speak to Saul on Earth and to the woman (1 Sam 28:16-
17), reference the words “him” and “me” (1 Sam 28:17). However we know that
evil spirits can also impart spirtually derived knowledge and advice (Acts 16:19).
Also God under the Law condemns divination and the default position with regard
to communication with the dead involving real supernaturally-derived information
is that devil spirits impersonate the dead (Isaiah 8:19). Angels can appear as men
(Luke 24:4, Heb 13:2) and are sometimes referred perceived as men (Gen 32:24-
32) or as like an angel (Judges 13:3, 6, 16).
The Prime Principle requires that there be great distance between planets to slow
communication and allow the various mankind species in the Universe a degree of
self-determination with dominion (Gen 1:28, Heb 1:2) and it is the same as regards
the dead communicating to the alive. People must be left able to believe whatever
they want so that the Prime Principle can work (Luke 16:29-31).
We can pray for the dead as a default (Phil 2:10-11, Col 1:20, 23, 1 Pet 3:19) but
another default is that the dead do not return (2 Sam 12:23) as this would not be in
accordance with the Prime Principle which entails the dead being exposed to the
gospel in a different way than when alive (Luke 16:19-31, 1 Pet 3:19, 4:6).
Because God is the God of the living (Mat 22:32, Mark 12:27) and man lives to
God (Luke 20:38) this means that all his life is for the purpose of Salvation (Eccl
9:1-2, Luke 20:35-38, Rom 8:28). Those in Hell or Heaven are receiving a perfect
preaching (1 Pet 3:19, 4:6). As for Heaven the devil and his spirits have now left it
(Luke 10:18, Rev 12:10) and no more angels rebel until the second resurrection
(Mat 24:29, Mark 13:25).