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control of Christ and this is very important to Christians with regard to
‘appropriation’ (Rom 8:1). Satan does not rule this World (Psalm 47:7-8), Christ
does with all power (Mat 28:18). Satan and devil spirits only ‘rule’ darkness and
that with limited authority (Eph 6:12).
Devil spirits assume particular traits to achieve generically evil purposes in a
specific way (1 Kings 22:22). Physical idols are of course inanimate and
powerless (Jer 10:3-5).
Satan has been cast out and deposed as putative prince of this world (John 12:31)
in this capacity before the cross he was a false prince and is now removed from
even that status (John 14:30, 16:33, Rev 1:5).
The Kingdom of Heaven or God is eternal and therefore not of the temporal world
which will vanish away, this is not the same as saying that God does not control
the earth but rather that He rejects worldly ways (John 18:36, 19:11).
Man, from the beginning, is after his own agenda and sovereignty and is beguiled
by this temptation which is in effect to try and be God (Gen 3:5, 22, Rom 10:3).
This prompts a revolt against God (Psalm 2:1-2, Acts 4:25-26).
Non Christians can be affected by the influence of malign spirits, these can so
affect the basic spirit of the person that they can be described as being affected by
a spirit of, say, heaviness or perversion but this is not possession (Isaiah 19:14,
61:3). Non Christians can be possessed (Luke 4:33, Acts 16:16). Meanwhile a
Christian’s basic spirit is perfect (1 John 3:9) as is a Christian's soul (1 Pet 2:11)
and, as such, neither can be possessed (Mat 12:25-29, Mark 4:23-25, Luke 11:17-
18, John 1:5, 2 Cor 6:14, 1 Pet 2:9, 1 John 1:5).
Evil Spiritual Power
Such power is given of God (Job 1:12) and subject to God (Exodus 7:12, 8:18, Job
1:12, Acts 13:11) for the purpose of the Prime Principle (Rom 8:28). A man or
woman will be exposed to the reality of spiritual forces, including his or her own
spirit, as is expedient for the operation of the prime principle in his or her life
(Rom 1:20, 1 Cor 2:11-13). Physical changes can be accomplished (Exodus 7:11,
22, 8:7, 18). Satan’s claim in Luke 4:6 that all political power on Earth is his was
and is not true (2 Kings 19:15, John 16:33, 17:2, Rom 13:1-7, 2 Pet 2:4) as all
power is the Lord’s including on Earth (2 Chron 20:6, Job 9:24, Rom 13:1),
meaning that evil works under delegation via God’s secondary will (Rom 8:28,