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The soul is the combined totality of a person’s spirit and flesh (or spiritual, non-
               risen, body as with Luke 16:23, whichever is applicable) not a partial selective
               mixture of flesh and spirit (Mat 10:28 referring in the second use of the word
               “body” to the spiritual body, Mark 12:33, Luke 16:23, 1 Thes 5:23, 1 Pet 3:19, Rev
               20:12). So, in the case of John the Baptist and Elijah they were/are the same basic
               spirit and same soul that was distributed over time in two flesh bodies and is now
               found in one spiritual body as was the case as soon as John the Baptist was killed
               (Mat 17:3, Mark 9:4, Luke 9:30-31). In this case the appearance of the one spiritual
               body was that of Elijah (Mat 17:3, Mark 9:4, Luke 9:30-31). The core element of
               the soul is the basic spirit of a person (Luke 1:47). The basic spirit (1 John 3:9) and
               the soul are perfect in a Christian (1 Pet 2:11). This latter point is a mystery as the
               flesh of a Christian does sin (Rom 7:25, 1 Pet 2:11, 1 John 1:8).  A nation, people
               group or group of people can have a combined soul, in addition to the above, as the
               totality of all the spirits and flesh of that people (Zech 11:8).  Nations will be
               judged at the second resurrection (Micah 4:3, Rev 15:4, 21:24).  Indeed many
               discrete entities exist as subject to judgement in some mysterious sense e.g. cities
               in specific time periods (Mat 10:15, 11:23, Rev 14:8).  Babylon refers to an actual
               city as well as the realm of the evil spirits (Rev 14:8).

               The Spiritual Dimension

               Anything can have a spirit for God's purpose (Psalm 19:1-4, Luke 19:40, Rom
               1:20) and everything that is judged has a spirit at the time that it is judged or is part
               of something that has a spirit at that time (Psalm 19:1, Rev 20:11-15, 21:1).
               Everything, at all times (John 1:1, 14, Rom 1:20, Heb 1:3), either has its own spirit
               (Job 12:10) or is part of something that has a spirit (Psalm 19:1-4, Acts 3:21, Rom
               1:20, 1 Cor 2:10, 12, Rev 19:8, 20:12-15, 21:1).

               Supernatural Capabilities and Allowances

               The basic spirit within Man gives him supernatural abilities that are potentially
               available and accessible to any man (Jonah 1:5-8, Mat 27:19). This basic spirit is
               aware of the spiritual dimension in general (Rom 1:18-20) and God's position,
               power and Godhead in particular (Psalm 139:14, Rom 1:20). Often these abilities
               will be revealed to an individual as required by the Prime Principle (Eccl 9:2, 11).
               Outside of the Prime Principle and under the Law, only those techniques that
               operate either by Godly power or the power of the personal basic spirit (Prov
               16:33, Jonah 1:7) are allowed. One such technique operating by Godly power or by
               the basic spirit and available to any man (Jonah 1:7) is the casting of lots (Prov
               16:33, Jonah 1:7), which can perform many of the functions of those techniques
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