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the Worlds belong to God alone and have not been totally delegated to anyone
(Psalm 24:1, Dan 4:34-35, Heb 1:2). However God has given the earth to Man in
the sense of stewardship (Gen 1:28, Psalm 115:16, Mat 21:33, Mark 12:1, Luke
20:9), not Satan. This despite all that has happened, and God delegates some
degree of control in different degrees to different people (Jer 27:5-6, Dan 2:38,
4:17, 35-36, Rom 13:1-3). Babylon in Jeremiah 27:6-11 is just that and not the
wider usage referring to the devil spirit realm as it is made clear by the specific use
of the name Nebuchadnezzar and not the generic Babylon (Jer 27:6). "All" as in
"all nations " is an expression (Jer 27:7). God is in the earth as well as Heaven to
such an extent that both are filled with His glory (Jer 23:24). Satan is a liar and
lied to Jesus when making the claim that he was able to give the world to Jesus
(Mat 4:8-9, Luke 4:5-6, John 8:44).
Satan was created as the other angels and the parabolical Adam, perfectly, but then
instantly, from inception (Gen 1:1, 29, Ezekiel 28:13-14), sinning against the Law-
in-spirit by rejecting Grace, the Tree of Life (Ezekiel 28:15, Gen 1:29), and
coming under the Law-in-spirit and in need of salvation (Rom 3:10, Col 1:20). He
rebelled against God (Ezekiel 28:16, 17). As he did so he caused a third of the
angels to follow him (Rev 12:4), many of whom Satan then cast down to Earth
(Rev 12:4). For a while he and some of his angels stayed to accuse the faithful (1
Kings 22:19-22, 2 Chron 18:18-22, Job 1:7, Rev 12:10). During the time of Luke
10:18 Satan and his remnant of devil spirits were finally and eternally cast out of
Heaven (Rev 12:7-9) leaving Heaven in peace from accusation (Luke 19:38, Rev
12:10, 12). Satan is judged already (John 16:11) and will experience the second
death, which is eternal torment to those who will not repent and yet also death, - a
mysterious state (Isaiah 66:24, Mat 25:41, 46, Rev 20:10). During the 1,000 year
reign he is imprisoned in that part of Hell called the Bottomless Pit (Isaiah 14:15,
Rev 20:2) and peace reigns on earth (Isaiah 2:4). Devil spirits or evil spirits are
therefore evil angels (Psalm 78:49, 2 Pet 2:4).
Satan’s power is such as is necessary, and no more, to test and tempt the Creation
so that which may be saved can be and so he is under God’s control (Job 1:12)
performing God’s secondary will under license (Psalm 109:6, Isaiah 54:16). In
this role he is the ‘the prince of the power of the air’ (Eph 2:2) which means that he
can spiritually communicate his intentions anywhere outside of Heaven (Eph 2:2).
Satan claimed to have all the power in the World (Luke 4:6). Satan’s claim in
Luke 4:6 was a lie even then with neither the power or the glory belonging to him
(Mat 6:13). He was cast out of Heaven during Luke 10:18 and Revelation 12:8 and
then is cast out of power everywhere by the resurrection of Christ (John 12:31) and
is now utterly overcome (Mat 28:18, John 16:33). Even the flesh is now under the