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7:8-13, especially 9) with its associated corollary of death (Gen 2:17, Rom 7:5, 7-
21, 10:3, 1 Cor 15:56).
As the life of the flesh begins not at conception but when there is blood in the
foetus (see above), contraception is not murder under the Law even if it destroys a
fertilised egg. If there is any blood in that which is aborted it is murder under the
Law (Lev 17:11, Num 35:30, Mat 19:18). This is all irrelevant to the Christian
(Rom 10:4).
Human Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, Adultery and Fornication
All the five concepts above are only part of the Law (Deut 30:10, Mat 22:37-40,
Luke 6:31, 20:35-36, John 8:51, Rom 7:4, 10:4, 1 Cor 7:29, Rev 22:18-19).
Marriage is until death parts (Mark 10:5-9, 11-12, Luke 16:18). Remarriage is also,
as a mystery, valid as marriage before God and Man but the sin of adultery still
continuously (Mark 10:9) applies if one of the original spouses is still alive, even
though the remarriage is a valid marriage (Mark 10:11-12, Luke 16:18). The sin of
adultery applies to both spouses even if only one is previously married (Mark 10:8,
Luke 16:18). Adultery is any act of, or lust (Mat 5:28) to, have penetrative sex
other than with the still-living original spouse (Mat 5:28, Mark 10:8-9). So, a
remarried person is committing adultery if his/her first spouse still lives even
though he/she is in a valid marriage (Mark 10:11-12, Luke 16:18). Divorce is a
sinful act, even though it can be followed by another marriage it can only dissolve
the humanistic element of marriage (Mark 10:9) and not the bodily union or the
spiritual element (Mark 10:8-9). The original marriage remains before God (Mark
10:8-9). Under the Law, remarriage, whilst the other orginal spouse lives, is both
polygamy and adultery. A marriage becomes a marriage before God once it is
consummated by penetrative sex and not at the ceremony (Mat 5:32, 19:9, Mark
10:8-9). Marriage happens before Man at the ceremony (Mat 5:32). Annulment is a
fiction and is, in fact, divorce (Mat 5:32, Mark 10:7-12, Luke 16:18). Fornication
is any act of pre-marital penetrative sex (Mat 5:32). There is complete equivalence
between the sexes in these sins, including fornication, and their applicability (Mark
10:8, 1 Cor 6:16, 18-19, 1 Thes 4:3-7). All penetrative sex or artificial
insemination/conception establishes the one flesh under the Law (1 Cor 15:46).
This ceases to have relevance for righteousness as regards Christians who are
under Grace and is ended through fulfillment (Mat 5:18, Rom 10:4). The
inapplicability of of the Law for righteousness determines the inapplicability of the
Law's curses, blessings and the judgement(s) of the Law (Deut 11:26-28, Rom