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time (Ezek 31: 8-18). The Garden of Eden is thus an example of the duality
The Earth(s) or worlds were not originally watered (Gen 2:5). In other words the
whole earth was at one time without rain (Gen 2:5).
The days of Genesis chapter one are in God’s time as is shown by the reference to
Evening and Morning relating to the spinning revolution/orbit of any matter in the
Universe after Light and Darkness were created such that there would be evening
and morning of whatever time duration was involved. The space shuttle
encounters many evenings and mornings as it orbits the Earth per Earth-solar day.
Evening can refer to a mysterious event and time period, and it does in Genesis
chapter one, as is shown in Zechariah 14:7.
The scientific explanation of the earth being too hot at first for rain with the water
vapour existing as a blanket layer of thick cloud (steam, mist or whatever), then
rain descending and eventually remaining as liquid water on Earth, along with a
primeval process of storms and lightning preceding the first seas; is all described in
the Word (Gen 2:5-6, 2 Sam 22:11-16, Psalm 18:7-15, 104:6, Prov 8:27-29, 2 Pet
3:5). At first the earth was dark as the thick clouds prevented sunlight from
reaching the ground (Gen 1:2, 2 Sam 22:12, Job 38:9, Psalm 18:7-15) but the early
thunderstorms gave light via lightning and thereafter by the resultant broken cloud
cover as the cloud (steam, mist, or whatever it was) condensed into the seas (Psalm
97:4). The stability of Earth’s orbit is alluded to in Psalm 93:1 and its place
amongst empty space in Job 26:7. The circulation of winds is described in
Ecclesiastes 1:6. There is the much 'scientific' truth in the Word but described in a
non-scientific way and this is not unexpected from a God who is Truth (Dan 1:4,
John 14:6, 1 Tim 6:20).
The ongoing process of erosion and mountain building via plate tectonics is
described eloquently in Isaiah 40:4. The roundness of the planet and the three
dimensionality of the distant night sky is described in Isaiah 40:22. The fact that
our planet is derived from the residue or dust, of space is described in Isaiah
40:12. The re-cycling of Nature is described in Luke 3:8. Men as star dust is not a
concept alien to God (Gen 15:5, Luke 3:8).
Evolution is compatible with the Word whereby the natural creation brings forth a
diversity of lifeforms itself as so ordained by God (Gen 1:20, 24). Each life
produced is similar, generation by generation, but not identical (Gen 1:21, 24-25)
and this production 'after their kind' - similar but not identical - interacting with the