P. 139

The Law has dominion over created beings (Rom 1:20, 5:13 re Rev 22:13 and God
               is the Law, Deut 30:10, John 1:1, Rom 6:14, 7:1, Jam 2:10, Rev 20:15, 21:1,
               22:13) in three forms. Note the use of the word "dominion" (Rom 7:1). By,
               sinfully (Gen 2:17, 3:5, Rom 2:12-15, 3:10-12, 20, 6:14), coming under the
               dominion of the Law (Rom 6:14, 7:1) Man relinquishes and forfeits God's
               Primary Will intention which is for Man to be in the dominion image of God
               (Gen 1:26) under Grace (Gen 1:29, Rom 6:14) and to reign with Christ (Rom
               5:17, 2 Tim 2:12, Rev 5:10, 22:5). This is signified by the Primary Will intention
               that Adam could initially partake of all the fruits (Gen 1:29) - see later in this
               chapter about ingesting the Law. Once Saved Man can regain and enhance (John
               14:12, 1 Cor 15:45, 2 Cor 5:17) his domninion image (Rom 6:14) through,
               amongst other things, appropriation (John 8:51-3) - established as available by the
               word 'see' meaning death as we understand it (Mark 9:1, John 8:51-53). The three
               forms of the Law are: the Law-in-spirit, the Law-in-spirt-and-flesh and the Law-in-
               spirit-and-flesh-in-detail. Unsaved angels (Heb 1:4-9, Rev 20:15, 22:9) are, and the
               pre-Fall parabolical Adam was under, in an instant (Gen 1:29), the Law-in-spirit
               (Gen 2:17, Rom 3:10), that is any unsaved dominion-image being is attempting to
               be God and is therefore sinning as rejecting the initial Grace as evolved men did/do
               (Gen 1:29, Rom 1:20, 2:12, 14-15, 3:10, 20, 4:15, Heb 1:6) of the Tree of (eternal)
               Life (Gen 1:29, 3:22, Rev 20:15 which includes angels - e.g. Rev 3:16). Then,
               immediately once a dominion-image being with flesh decides to try and be God it
               comes under the Law both in spirit and in flesh involving death (Gen 2:17, Rom
               3:20). Once in that state an iterative and interactive process immediately engages
               between Man and God that results in ever more commandments qualifying earlier
               commandments in a vicious spiral of escalating and contradictory but antinomous
               detail - the Law-in-spirit-and-flesh-in-detail (Deut 30:10, Mat 5:18, Rev 22:18-19).
               This process has to start with sin, not being God's Primary Will (Gen 2:17).

               At some point God decided to reveal more detail about the Law to a specific and
               small people group (Deut 7:7).  There is no significant genetic distinction between
               Jews and Gentiles now nor was there then (Gen 1:27, 2:7, 5:2, 6:1-4, Ezek 16:3,
               46, 20:5, 23:3-4, Acts 17:26). Jerusalem has the same ancestry as the indigenous
               population (Ezek 16:3, 45). Some of those people living in the area (roughly) that
               was where the parabolical Garden of Eden ‘interfaces’ with the natural world (Gen
               2:8, 10-14), became the Jews and the rest became the Gentiles (Gen 5 and 10, Ezek
               16:3).  The ancestors of Jews were Gentiles (Ezek 16:3).

               Man first evolved somewhere in the Universe (1 Cor 15:44-47 ‘earth’ not
               ‘world’).  These men, plural, male and female (Gen 1:27-28, 5:2) were not
               necessarily on Earth (Gen 2:8, 11-14) that 'interfaces' with the parabolical Garden
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