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process where God is involved (John 7:22). Truth and grace are contrasted to the
               Law by God (John 1:17). The desirability of the Law(-in-the-flesh) being
               applicable to the parabolical Adam was born in a lie straight from the father of lies,
               namely Satan (Gen 3:1, 4, 7).

               By being under the effects of the Law i.e. ‘wise’ (Gen 2:17, Rom 1:22) the second
               process commences which is false worship or idolatry (Rom 1:22-25). This is Man
               trying to be or create a god after his own imagination (Jer 13:10, 16:20, 17:5,
               23:16). All men have been under the Law from inception, specifically the Law-in-
               spirit, (Gen 1:28-29, 2:17, Rom 1:20, 1 John 3:4).  This is spiritually explained by
               the parabolical Adam for he was already under the Law (Gen 2:17), as unsaved,
               but also under the commandment not to be under the Law any longer (Gen 1:28-
               29, 2:17, Rom 1:20, 3:10, 20, 10:3-4).  Otherwise he, the individual Adam, could
               not have sinned (Rom 4:15, 5:13). However the parabolical Adam only came under
               the Law proper, in all its details, by his flesh (and spirit) sinning (Gen 2:17, Rom
               5:13). His spirit had sinned already in not chosing the Tree of Life (Gen 1:29). As
               for men in general, the vast majority i.e. Gentiles, are as the parabolical Adam in
               that they have not been exposed explicitly by prophetic utterance, in the material,
               to the Law-in-spirit-and-flesh-in-detail but are aware of it via their basic spirit to
               the level of the Law-in-spirit-and-flesh (Rom 2:14-15). However the parabolical
               Adam was, pre-Fall, unlike Man as he was only under the Law-in-spirit. The
               parabolical Adam and Eve were initially and already cursed as they were already
               under commandment given that they were sinners from the beginning (Gen 2:17,
               3:3, 6, Rom 5:13) and fully cursed thereafter once now also under the Law-in-flesh
               as well as in spirit (Gen 3:16-17). Man as an evolved and independent entity
               naturally attempts to be God, that is come under the Law (Rom 3:20, 4:15, 5:13)
               and establish his own righteousness (Rom 3:10, 20, 4:15, 5;13, 10:3, Phil 3:9).
               Every man choses to remain under the Law and thereby rejects the Tree of Life
               (Salvation) at the instant of their inception, so there is always an individual moral
               choice involved (Psalm 51:5 'shapen', Rom 10:1).

               All sin is ultimately against God, alone, (Psalm 51:4) whatever the element of
               human victimhood that there might be (Mat 18:21-22). The commandment given
               to Peter concerning forgiving seventy times seven times is part of the Law (Mat
               18:22). Idolatry involves the false worship of something that is against God
               (Ezekiel 14:3-4).

               The natural process is that men always seek an understanding of God (Rom 1:20-
               21), that is the Law (Gen 2:17, Rom 3:20, 5:13) but do not accept Christ by the
               same process but only by preaching (Rom 10:17, 1 Pet 3:19). This is inexcusable
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