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Man, generically, must have evolved as he is made by a continuance of the same
process as expressed in Genesis 1:3-26. The difference is that Men were not only,
in relation to a proto-human ape species, ‘after their kind’ as Man also had
dominion (Gen 1:26). Adam, that is Mankind in general i.e the plural Adam (Gen
5:1-2), evolved as simultaneously both male and female (Gen 1:27 ‘male and
female’, 28 ‘them’). The dominion nature means that Man is of the family of God
through the evolution of Adam (Mankind) as a son of God (Acts 17:29), although
this was the unsaved type of Son of God (i.e not as in John 1:12). This spread of a
creature, made by dominion in the image of God, was to replenish the Earth with
the manifestation of this dominion, i.e. with appropriation (see Chapter 2), and this
is what is meant in part by replenish (Gen 1:28, Rom 8:19). The other meaning
refers to the mortality and replacing of dead men made subject to death at the
outset of evolution (Gen 1:28, 2:17). This shows that the sons of men, a
description that emphasises the evolved, natural, state of Man, were mortal as were
all the previous creatures with 'seed' (Gen 1:11, 27-28). They had evolved (Gen
1:11, 'earth', 'bring forth', 'seed', 'kind') via sexual intercourse (Gen 1:27 'male and
female') producing genetic diversity (Gen 1:1:24, 27) interacting with the pressures
of the environment via natural selection (Gen 1:11, 24, 27, 28). Mankind is both
son of God (Gen 5:1-2, 6:1-4), saved or unsaved (John 1:12, Rom 8:14), as well as
son of man or men (Gen 5:1-2, 6:1-4) and that is why Jesus is both the Son of God
(Mark 1:1) and the Son of Man (John 5:27) in his humanity (1 Tim 2:5).
Remember as usual the time perspective is the eternal so God is referring to the
inception of a creature that would eventually, over the entire lifetime of this
species upon Earth (say 250,000 years so far and continuing), be truly able to fulfil
this condition. This dominion is not yet fully fulfilled and will not be until the
second Earth appears (Gen 1:26, Isaiah 11:6-9).
Man first evolved from the earliest forms of life which started in the oceans and
low ground (Psalm 139:15). Man did evolve from lower lifeforms which
themselves evolved from non-living material (Psalm 139:16). As such and like
other animals he appeared, obviously, on the scene as both sexes (Gen 1:27, 5:2).
Life itself evolved (Psalm 139:16) so that this life, after suitable changes, could be
eternally free to sin but never do so, in other words written in the Book of Life
which is eternal life (Psalm 139:16). This necessitates a two-stage Creation process
The First Heaven and Earth, with free choice and option to sin which is duly then
committed (Rev 21:1).