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The Second Heaven and Earth, birthed from the First (Rom 8:22), with the same
               choice but where this choice will never be taken (2 Pet 3:10-13, Rev 21:1, 8, 27,
               22:3, 5, 14-15).

               Day and Night refer initially simply to the noticeable presence of light, i.e. facing a
               star, or its absence, i.e. being far away from a star or facing the opposite way (Gen
               1:5).  God created stars by the natural process of ‘Let There Be’ in other words He
               let the natural laws operate upon the natural substance to produce what they
               naturally will (Gen 1:3).  The Universe originally contained no stars at all (Jer

               Heaven is an all-inclusive and generic title (Gen 1:1) which can include, depending
               on context, the spiritual Heaven and/or all physical heavens (2 Chron 2:6, Neh 9:6)
               or, in other words, skies (Psalm 77:17, 148:4). A multiplicity of heavens (Gen 2:4,
               2 Chron 2:6, 6:18, Neh 9:6, Job 9:8, Psalm 33:6, 89:2, 5, 11, 115:16, 136:5, 148:4
               note heavens of heavens, Isaiah 48:13, Jer 4:23, Heb 1:10, 2 Pet 3:5, 7, 10, 12, 13)
               means that there are a multiplicity of earths, more precisely ‘worlds’, i.e. a
               multiplicity of views of the physical Universe from different earths i.e. skies
               (Psalm 89:11, 148:4, John 16:33 -singular-, Heb 1:2 - plural- and 'seen' i.e.
               perceived by intelligent creatures). As a result there are intelligent, fleshly,
               creatures capable of receiving salvation (John 16:33, Col 1:20, 23, Heb 1:2, 11:3)
               on at least one other planet in addition to our own and these creatures are like us,
               by default, unsaved; that is under Law whether they consciously know it or not
               (Psalm 115:16, Mat 4:8-9, Luke 4:5-6, John 1:29, 4:42, 12:47, 14:17, 15:19, Rom
               1:20, 3:10, 3:19, 1 Cor 2:12, Heb 1:2, 11:3, 1 John 3:4, Rev 12:4). We must under
               obedience preach to the whole Universe therefore (Mark 16:15) but this is no
               limiter as to when Christ shall return due to the default, background, preaching that
               already exists across the whole Universe including all of this particular world (Col
               1:23).  A man is any being capable of receiving salvation (Ezek 34:31) and Christ,
               as a Man, had to believe in and receive His own Salvation, the same which he
               commends to us (Mat 27:46, Luke 23:46, John 10:18, 11:25). The background
               preaching is sufficient for salvation so there is not excuse (Rom 1:18-20, Col 1:23)
               but God in His grace supplies an additional exposure of what he considers the
               perfect preaching for the individual - see salvation (1 Pet 3:19 etc.).

               In more detail it is like this. There is are multiple atmospheric heavens or skies,
               plural (Psalm 77:17-18, 79:2, 104:12, 148:4). Then there are multiple night skies or
               starry heavens - views of space - (Gen 22:17, Psalm 8:3, Isaiah 13:10, Heb 1:2,
               11:3). The firmanent is, when not referring to a specific location (Ezekiel 1:22, 25-
               26, 10:1), a broader category that can cover all these non-spiritual heavens (views
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