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The spiritual does not evolve or proceed by natural physical processes but is
directly created. That is why ‘in the beginning’, which includes the spiritual, refers
to God creating (Gen 1:1) whereas the first physical process is a ‘let there be’ (Gen
1:1, 3). Both are creations of God however as He is the Creator of everything
(John 1:3), but the process for the material is different as it is different - namely
material. God establishes natural laws so as to produce the end result we see
materially (Jer 10:12) in order that this might be a suitable stage for the maximum
amount of salvation (Jer 9:24).
Evolution is described as the process by which lifeforms give rise to offspring
'after their kind' (Gen 1:25) which means similar but not identical (Gen 1:11 'his',
12 'his', 21) allowing thereby for the intra-species (intra-'kind') genetic diversity
which is the raw material upon which natural selection can operate to produce new
species. This is a succinct summary of the evolutionary process in non-scientific
words. Note that God says that it is the earth, i.e. the environment in the broadest
sense acting as Natural Selection, that produces grass and the lifeforms, not God
directly, and that these give rise to offspring after 'his' or 'their' kind (Gen 1:11-12,
24-25). The word 'kind'; can include a wide variety of difference at the 'flesh' level
in one category of ‘kind’ (1 Cor 15:39). We can see therefore that the default
normal process is that a natural mutation or genetic change of any degree can be
accomplished in one act of reproduction, with the environment working via natural
selection upon intra-species (kind) variation, provided that it does not as a default
become a new species in one generation or act of reproduction (Gen 1:11, 'his' i.e
one generation, 21). This is evidently so in that it is not normal for a fish to give
birth to a bird but every bird is not an exact replica of either of its parents - there is
genetic variation introduced by each act of sexual reproduction. This therefore
allows for the production of new species under the evolution by natural sleection
process. As for beasts and the first Man the distinction in flesh is not the structure
of cells, bones etc. but rather the distinction in the flesh mind or mind of the flesh
(1 Cor 15:39) whereby Man is able to have ‘dominion’ that is a conscious, self-
aware, and deliberate and significant degree of control over all other species on
Earth (Gen 1:26). Also, Man can of course place a bird gene in a fish by his
unnatural intervention, which is an expression of his dominion (Gen 1:26).
Evolution far from being contradicted by Genesis is actually referred to in all but
name (Gen 1:11).
Evolution is however also a supernatural and spiritual process caused by God (Gen
1:1, Job 12:9) and is not therefore just natural and the natural universe actually acts
as evidence of this fact (Psalm 19:1, Rom 1:20).