P. 132
God has instituted the default (Gen 1:1, 3, 6, 11, 24, Ex 14:21, Jer 10:12-3, John
1:3) whereby everything that happens in the physical Universe is a Natural Process
(Gen 1:1, 3, 6, 11, 24, Ex 14:21, Jer 10:12-3, John 1:3, 4:24) and this includes the
workings of Society (Rom 13:1-7), Self (Rom 7:23), the basic spirit (Rom 2:14)
and the Law (Rom 2:14). The ‘nature’ of Romans 2:14 is the basic spirit within,
which unless saved, is contaminated by the flesh which is the ‘law of sin which is
in my members’ of Romans 7:23. Since God has created Nature and all Spirit(s)
other than Himself there is no sensible distinction between the spiritual process and
the natural process (Gen 1:1, John 4:24). The distinction of note is that between
the Creator and that Created, namely the Creation (Rom 1:18-25).
This default Natural Process is evidenced by the words: ‘Let there be’ (Gen 1:3, 6
'it'), ‘gathered together’ (Gen 1:9), ‘appear’ (Gen 1:9), ‘gathering together’ (Gen
1:10), ‘earth bring forth grass’ (Gen 1:11), ‘yielding seed.. yielding fruit after his
kind’ (Gen 1:11), ‘earth brought forth’ (Gen 1:12), ‘waters bring forth abundantly’
(Gen 1:20), ‘waters brought forth abundantly’ (Gen 1:21), ‘earth bring forth’ (Gen
1:24), ‘after his kind...after their kind’ (Gen 1:25).
The physical Universe of matter, time and space was and is (present tense
inclusive) produced by God through the operation of both ordered Natural Laws
and disordered natural ‘chaos’ by a process which is called ‘Let there be’ (Gen
1:3). This emphasises the continuance of the process and the fact that the Spirit,
which is God, decided to allow the material to take the natural, material, physical
course which would produce the phenomenon of light, the Earth and physical life
etc. God was and is the motivator, the Creator and the Why and the Who (Gen
1:1). The Why/Who produced and created the How but after that the How is, by
default, left alone to proceed as determined by the initial conditions of its Creation
and the subsequent operation of Natural Law and Chaos - "Let there be". The How
is however still subject to the Why Creator and must obey Him through the
medium of his Word and utterances (Gen 1:3, Psalm 33:6, Mat 8:27, Mark 4:41,
Luke 8:25). God will use natural processes to achieve what we would call the
supernatural, e.g. a ‘strong east wind’ (Ex 14:21, Num 11:31, Joshua 4:23). God
creating light and the earth being moulded from a sphere without inhabitable land
or sea, is described in Jeremiah 4:23. The material has always existed in the sense
that God is light (1 John 1:5), which includes physical light (Psalm 104:2), as well
as Spirit (John 4:24), even though, by a mystery, he created the kind of physical
light we associate with stars and other astronomical bodies (Gen 1:3-4, Jer 4:23).
God lets the physical happen, the natural to take its natural course, and that is His
supernatural process of Creation as regards the physical, non-spiritual, Universe.