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of space) and skies, again plural (Gen 1:6-8, 14-15, Dan 12:3). Note that water is
               not only separated by the firmanent between ocean and cloud on planets (Gen 1:7),
               but is also separated by the firmanent, i.e. space, between planets or astronomical
               bodies that possess water (Gen 1:6, Dan 12:3).

               Physical, material heavens, plural, exist as there are multiple planets with one
               heaven per planet (Psalm 8:3, 33:6, 77:17, 104:2, Heb 1:2), there are birds on more
               than one planet (Jer 4:25). Although the heavens look slightly different from any
               different point on any one and the same planet the key distinction is if the key
               defining characteristics are the same.  This is for our Earth the Sun and the Moon
               (Gen 1:14-18). Earth is called singular as all earths or worlds are the same from
               God’s perspective, they are a generic category of fruitful platforms upon which
               dominion can be achieved by an evolved lifeform (Gen 1:28, Psalm 89:11 ‘them’,
               115:16, Heb 1:2, 11:3). There are a multiplicity of worlds in the Second Creation
               as well (Isaiah 66:22, Heb 1:2-3, 11:3, Rev 21:1). Whilst there are the plural
               physical heavens, or views of heaven, there is in addition a single spiritual Heaven
               (2 Chron 2:6, 6:18, Neh 9:6, Rev 20:1), which has, as a mystery, plural heavens
               within it (2 Chron 2:6, 6:18, John 14:2 'mansions' 2 Cor 12:2).

               The physical heaven (singular), part of the broader category of Heaven covering
               both the spiritual and natural, refers to the Earth's vicinity in space and Earth’s
               naked-eye view of space (Gen 1:1). Space is no barrier to God’s gospel and all
               men (Mark 16:15, Luke 1:33, Col 1:23) on all planets, in the Universe are under
               the Law until they accept the gospel (Gen 15:5, Lev 5:17, Nehemiah 1:9, Rom
               1:20, 3:10, 1 John 3:4).  All Christians are ‘descendants’ of those under the Law (1
               Cor 15:45).  Resurrection of the dead across all space is also attested to by
               Nehemiah 1:9. God is in both the plural physical heavens and in the singular
               spiritual Heaven (Psalm 103:19, 108:4-5, 115:16) but dwells in the spiritual heaven
               (Mat 6:9) as well as in Zion (Psalm 132:14) and in thick darkness (Deut 5:22, 2
               Sam 22:12, 1 Kings 8:12) whilst being Light - which is a mystery (1 John 1:5).

               Then there is the spiritual heaven (John 14:2), which is as a mystery a bit like Dr
               Who's tardis being comprised of many heavens (2 Chron 2:6, Psalm 148:4, John
               14:2), one of which is the Third Heaven or Paradise (1 Cor 12:2-4).

               The Garden of Eden is a parable about the real Paradise which is part of the
               spiritual Heaven (Gen 2:9, Gen 3:24, Rev 2:7, 22:2), more specifically it is the
               third heaven (2 Cor 12:2, 4). In a broader sense the Garden of Eden is a summary
               of all the earth and its kingdoms and continues after the parabolical ‘Fall’ across all
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