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The only way back is to become saved or be saved again and Salvation is always
               available, even in Hell (Psalm 139:8).  This is not only the forgiving of the former
               status, rather its complete removal (Mat: 12:31, Mark 13:14), which is why lack of
               salvation is unforgivable in that it has to be removed as an ongoing state, rather
               than forgiven (Heb 6:6). It can not be forgiven, whilst it remains. A person is
               forgiven their sins at the point of salvation (or re-salvation) and instantly and
               immediately thereafter their prior lack of salvation (Phil 2:11, Heb 6:6).

               A Christian can not lose salvation unless this is the settled will of his own, it can
               not be forced upon him by Satan or anyone else (Rom 8:17, Heb 6:6).  It does
               happen that Christians decide to cease to be Christians (Heb 6:6), although finally
               even they are all saved (1 Cor 12:3, Phil 2:11, Heb 6:6).  Some are only saved out
               of the torment that is, without this change of heart, everlasting (Heb 6:8, Rev
               14:11, 20:15).

               Salvation is the acceptance of Christ, alone, as Saviour and mediator between a
               man and God (1 Tim 2:5) by his act of resurrection (Rom 10:9). Trust in Jesus as
               the personal source of an individual’s eternal life and welfare is the absolute
               irreducible, necessary and sufficient condition for salvation, in short to ‘call’ upon
               the Lord (Luke 23:42-43, Acts 2:21, 16:31, Rom 10:13). Whilst the Trinity is a
               true doctrine and absolutely essential to an accurate understanding of the Word it is
               not the case that only believers in the Trinity can be Christians or that failure to
               believe in the Deity of Christ, which is indeed an error, disqualifies someone from
               being a Christian automatically and without exception (John 5:24, 8:19, 14:9-21,
               23-31, 15:1-16, 26-27, 16:13-16, 27-28, Acts 2:21, 16:31, Rom 10:13).  Believing,
               absolutely, that Jesus is the Son of God is sufficient for salvation (1 John 4:15).
               The foundation of our faith is Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith (Heb 12:2).
               He is the 'rock' as the Christ or Messiah (1 Cor 10:4) and as the Son of the Living
               God and that is the 'rock' upon which the Church is built by Christ (Psalm 42:9,
               62:6-7, Mat 16:16-18 'this' refers to the body of Jesus, Mark 8:29, 1 Cor 10:4). The
               point of Jesus then describing His suffering body was that He was the seed rock
               and as such had to die (Mark 8:31, John 12:24). The denial of the need for this rock
               to, illogically, suffer and die was the essence of Peter’s Satanic deception (Mat
               16:21-23, Mark 8:31-33, John 12:24, 1 Cor 15:36). As the Word is Christ it also is
               the spring of faith (Rom 10:17).  The doctrine of the ‘Apostolic Succession’ to
               justify the Papacy is therefore an error (Psalm 62:6-7, Mat 16:16-18, 21-23, Mark
               8:31-33, John 12:24, 1 Cor 10:4, 15:36, Heb 12:2, Rev 22:13) and this is doubly
               confirmed by the Priesthood of all believers (1 Pet 2:5, 9), not just Peter (Mat
               16:18), having the authority to bind and loose (Mat 18:18).
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