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Pet 3:8). Time itself ends in eternity (Rev 10:6). This means that ultimately all
existence is in eternity or not at all (Rev 10:6).
The reference to ‘good’ in John 5:29 means those good deeds that are the
inevitable fruit of salvation faith (Jam 2:17), which is by grace and not works
(Rom 11:6). The ‘resurrection of damnation’ refers to all those judged on their
works and therefore condemned. Good works by themselves can not save as unless
someone is saved by grace and faith, receiving the righteousness of God as a result
(Rom 3:22), they simply have not done 'good' in this sense anyway (Isaiah 53:6,
Luke 18:19, John 5:29, Rom 3:10, 11:6). The goodness of God can only be
received by receiving Him, through Christ, into our hearts (John 3:5-7). A
Christian will, by the inevitable process and by-product of the outpouring of his
spirit produce works but these do not constitute righteousness as an end in
themselves (John 3:6, Rom 6:23, 11:6, Jam 2:17-18, 24, 26).
The destination at death is determined by whatever is most likely to have the
desired influence on that man for salvation (1 Pet 4:5-6). As such it is the default
that the experiences of either Hell or Heaven respectively for the individual
concerned will be the inverse of those experienced by said individual on Earth as
God tries to reach the person (Psalm 9:17, 10:17, 22:24, Eccl 7:14, 9:2-3, 11, Mat
5:3-5, Luke 6:23-25, 16:19-31). This, to some extent, mirrors the ‘slings and
arrows of outrageous fortune’ as a man goes ‘up’ and ‘down’ in life (Eccl 8:6, 11-
14, 9:2-3, 11). Where this process is successful it is called Charity (Rom 8:28, 1
Cor 13:1-13) and where not it is called Vanity (Eccl 8:14) and is part of the Prime
A proper response, once dead, is no more easy or difficult than it is on Earth and
therefore no more likely to occur, there is the same chance for all in either estate
(Psalm 33:15, Eccl 9:2-3, 11, 1 Pet 3:19-21 - ‘like’ and ‘us’) although the
preaching is perfect (Luke 16:23-31, 1 Pet 3:19, 4:6). During this process the man
is in a spiritual body (Luke 16:23-24, 1 Cor 15:44) which is not the resurrected
body (1 Cor 15:51-54). Until salvation the basic spirit is sinful whether in the
body of flesh or spirit (John 9:24, Rom 3:10, Col 1:20). Blessings are as necessary
as suffering to come to God (Deut 30:1-2). The resurrected body has a perfect flesh
but is primarily a spiritual body (Job 19:26, 1 Cor 15:42-46, 52-53). The
continuation of consciousness ceases, for those still unsaved, once the preaching by
experience in Heaven or Hell has fully balanced the life and provided a sufficient
exposure to the gospel (Eccl 7:14, 9:2-3, 11).