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relevance and resonance to them in the context of their earthly lives (Luke 16:22).
So, wherever someone has been exposed to God's satisfaction to the awareness of
the Gospel they are judged by their reaction to it whether on this Earth or after life
on this Earth (Mark 16:16, 1 Pet 4:6).
As Christ is Life and the Way (John 14:6) and is, as God (Heb 1:8), Love (1 John
4:8), Truth (John 14:6), and Light (John 1:9, 1 John 1:5), it is impossible for Man
to judge Man or predict with absolute certainty whether an individual is saved in
life or will go to Heaven or Hell after life and whether they will be saved by any
applicable after-this-life preaching or not (Eccl 3:21, Mat 7:1). To the extent that
someone has ‘believed’ in Love or Truth by being committed in life to these values
then they have been following Christ to that extent whether they know or
acknowledge this or not (Mat 25:37-40, John 14:6, 1 John 4:8). As such this is
obviously a good preparation for the after-this-life preaching (Mat 25:37-40, 1 Pet
4:6) they will receive if entitled, that is if they have not been exposed to the Gospel
to God's satisfaction - a mysterious concept involving the reality of absolute Love
and Truth in the Person of Christ not exposure to mere 'Churchianity' as such
(Mark 16:16, John 14:6, 1 Pet 4:6, 1 John 4: 8). This process is for God to judge
not us (Rom 14:10, 2 Cor 5:10). This is still not Salvation however which always
involves the presence of the Person of Christ and acknowledged as such and
believed upon with this awareness (John 14:6, Rom 14:10, Phil 2:11, Rev 19:11-
16). Not all who use the name of Christ are, or ever were, Christians and the
power of the name is such that it can work miracles even when uttered by non-
Christians (Mat 7:22-23).
The exact equivalence between Love and Christ is not at all to devalue the focus
upon the specifically Christian expression in liturgy and theology since of course
this principle works the other way round as well (Mat 12:30, Luke 9:50 - it was
done in Christ’s name, 11:23). That is Love and Truth are also the Person of
Christ (John 14:6, 1 John 4:8). Truth and Love are a Person, not just a force or a set
of values, the Person of God (John 14:6, Eph 4:13, 1 John 4:8). This is a mystery
to us (Eph 3:19, 1 Tim 3:9).
Death itself, a form of suffering, is designed so as to bring people to God and is an
example of the prime principle (Acts 17:27). Jesus says to Ananias about Paul that
‘he must suffer for my name’s sake’ great things. This means that he would,
inevitably as a by-product of the work (2 Tim 1:12, 2:9-12), suffer not that he
should suffer as a primary will of God. This secondary will of Paul’s sufferings as
described in 2 Corinthians 11:23-33 is shown as a secondary will (Acts 18:10,
21:11-14) and therefore his sufferings were examples of the prime principle in