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Jews were first Gentiles anyway (Acts 15:14, 17:26)]. The basic spirit of a man
knows all that which the basic spirit knows (i.e. there is no basic spirit
unconscious) and all that the flesh knows (1 Cor 2:11). God witnesses to the flesh
via the material (Psalm 19:1, Acts 14:17, Rom 1:20). The overall mind can be very
ignorant of key spiritual matters, especially if the flesh mind has become strong,
for example Samson was not even aware that the Holy Ghost had left him (Judges
16:20) whereas before It had been upon him (Judges 14:6).
The conscious mind does not necessarily know any better (Num 15:29) e.g. as with
children (Deut 1:39, Neh 8:2, Jonah 4:11) but this does not mean that the spirit of
that person, or child, is unaware. Rather in all instances the contrary applies and so
even the foetus sins (Gen 3:22, Psalm 51:5, 58:3, Isaiah 48:8, Rom 1:20).
Human attraction is partly spiritual, that is between the basic spirits involved,
therefore to a greater or lesser extent being a mystery to the conscious minds of all
concerned (Luke 1:41).
In the Second Creation, as the default, there will be no remembrance of the first
and all its works (Isaiah 65:17). However there is the ongoing witness of the
tormented (Rev 14:11). That which is not chosen for inclusion in the Second
Creation is consumed by the coming of the Second Creation and by its participants,
this includes all spirit and all matter (Col 1:20, Rev 19:18, 20:11-15, 21:1).
God’s thinking is not as ours and therefore the Word is absolutely not structured in
a ‘logical’ way in terms of the human way of thinking (Isaiah 55:8-9) and His ways
are mysterious to us and yet loving.
Whilst the Law is known in the spirit to everyone as the urge of man for and
receipt of the forbidden fruit, the details were only consciously revealed
progressively to Israel (Psalm 147:19-20, Gal 3:17). As originally coming under
(partaking of) the Law was not of faith it is of sin by origin (Gen 2:17, Rom 3:20,
5:12-14, 7:7, 14:23, Gal 3:13, Heb 10:1) and sets up Man as the judge of right and
wrong (Gen 2:17, 3:6, Mat 7:12, Rom 10:3). Thereafter, all men having sinfully
chosen it (Gen 6:3, Rom 3:10-20), as with Kings and Temples for Israel, all men
are as the default bound by it by God’s commandment as revealed in all its simple
essence and equivalence by the 'Golden Rule' (Gen 2:17, Mat 7:12, Rom 3:19).
It remains the fact that mere exposure to the miraculous does not necessarily or
even often convert those exposed (Mat 13:14, Mark 15:31, John 7:5, 12:37,
Romans 1:18-21). Hence exposure to the miraculous does not invalidate a resultant
faith (John 4:48, 11:15, 42, 48). Faith and what we know are distinct, even when