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we have been exposed to the reality of God it still takes faith to believe. It takes
faith to believe what we know via our basic spirit within us (John 2:23, Rom 1:18-
21). People can, and devil spirits do, know the power of God and yet not believe in
Christ (Mat 27:42, Luke 4:41, Jam 2:19) just as they can believe in God without
being saved, that is being a Christian (Jam 2:19). God restricts such conscious
knowledge in humans according to the level of faith (Luke 8:10, 19:26, 2 Cor 8:12)
whilst for devil spirits they already know, consciously, such things (Luke 4:41,
Acts 16:17). This is not the same as belief in Jesus as personal Saviour (Acts
16:17, Jam 2:19). Only sometimes does the miraculous have the desired effect
(Luke 7:21-23). This is because the basic spirits of men know about God anyway
already, belief in Christ, which is an active choice, is the issue (Rom 1:18-21, 2 Pet
The miraculous is distributed in part according to the faith to receive it (Mat 13:58)
which means that no doctrinal teaching or ministry can be established by lots of
healings simply because this limiting factor or component in the lives of the
hearers will effect the degree of miraculous exposure, without reference to the
ministry or Godly status of the preacher (Mat 13:58). Just as with Elijah (Luke
4:25-27) when Jesus walked most people on planet earth or even in Israel were not
healed, which is no adverse reflection of His ministry of course (Mat 13:57-58,
Luke 4:24-27).
For this reason doctrines must in essence be miraculously substantiated by the
preacher, himself appropriating the miraculous, as his faith alone is obviously the
relevant issue in regard to his authority as in the proverb ‘physician heal thyself’
(Luke 4:23) which also refers to the depredations of old age and death (Psalm
39:11, Mat 9:12-13, Luke 4:23). This is the best witness as Jesus acknowledged
(Mat 9:12-13, Luke 4:23) and of course he responded by the resurrection ‘self-
healing’. What he would not do was heal all the Israelites en masse as their faith
did not allow for this under the Prime Principle (Luke 4:23) even though such
healing was required to the maximum degree possible under the fulfilment of the
prophecy (Luke 4:18-21). This is most important in the matter of appropriation -
see Appropriation.
Human learning is of no substance in relation to the Word (Luke 21:14), only that
which is established by revelation from God and discernment of the Spirit (Luke
21:14, 1 Cor 2:14). ‘Study’ of the Word is necessary (John 5:39, Rom 15:4, 2 Tim
2:15) but only achieves anything to the extent that it is God-inspired (Luke 21:14,
1 Cor 2:14).