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knowledge about natural processes can by gained by scientific endeavour, God has
decreed that people shall be exposed to such prompts and ‘evidence’ to enable
them to believe whatever they wish to believe as regards spiritual matters and the
Creator (Jer 17:10, Luke 8:17-18, 19:26, 2 Tim 3:7). This is so that they can be
given free choice under the prime principle and judged appropriately as regards
inclusion in the eternal, second Heaven or Earth (Rom 1:17, 10:9). This requires
the Word to be, without the correct spiritual discernment, capable of many
different ‘interpretations’ (1 Cor 2:14) of infinitely differing degrees of accuracy
(Jer 17:10, 32:19, Luke 8:17, 19:26).
Belief in God (Jam 2:19) and the acknowledgement of Jesus (Phil 2:11) will
ultimately be universal and for devil spirits already is as regards the existence of
God (Jam 2:19).
All men are called sooner or later (Mat 20:16, 22:14, John 6:37, 44, 65) when dead
if necessary (1 Pet 3:19), at the most opportune time for that person’s salvation
(Rom 8:28), that is exposed to the gospel in their own understanding and to God’s
satisfaction of completeness i.e. Jesus preaches the Word directly or indirectly
(Mark 2:17, Rom 8:28, 1 Pet 3:19). This is part of the Prime Principle.
Salvation is the purpose of life and Creation (Rom 1:20, Col 1:20, 23). It is the
message of the Word (John 1:4). Salvation is the perfecting of the spirit by the
redemption of Christ (Psalm 103:12, 1 John 3:6, 9, 5:18). Whilst still in the flesh
it is possible to lose Salvation once gained and this, along with not being saved in
the first place, is the unforgivable sin, blasphemy against the Holy spirit and the
Abomination of Desolation (Mat: 12:31, Mark 13:14, 1 Cor 15:2, Heb 6:4-6, 1
John 5:16). No man can save himself (Luke 9:24). Any sin can be forgiven by
God except that of not being saved (Mark 16:16). Everyone, in all time, receives
an equal chance to be and remain saved despite the very individual and particular
interaction between one basic spirit and God (Eccl 9:11, Luke 16:19-31, John 7:17,
1 Pet 3:19, 4:6). Failure to be saved or loss of salvation, once gained, is the
unforgivable sin (Mark 16:16, Rom 3:10, Heb 6:8). This means that not being
saved is a status that God does not forgive, as He does specific sins (Mat: 12:31,
Mark 13:14). It is tantamount to claiming to be God (Gen 3:5, 22). A non-saved
or a saved person can be forgiven, say, the sin of theft, indeed the Christian is
already forgiven even as he sins (1 John 1:7), but neither person can be forgiven,
respectively, not being saved or losing salvation status (Mat: 12:31, Mark 13:14).