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Sin is partially independent of the conscious mind, that is not all sin is perceived as
               such in the conscious mind of a person (Luke 23:34).

               The preaching of the gospel is to the basic spirit of a man rather than the conscious
               mind as such (Luke 24:32 - here called 'heart', 1 Cor 2:11, 14).  Only by revelation
               does the conscious mind understand it (Luke 24:45, Acts 8:31, 35, 1 Cor 2:14).

               Nothing that a man knows can be kept secret from Satan (Ezek 28:3).  Satan is also
               a ‘Man’ in that he was made in the image of God (Gen 1:26, Ezek 28:2, Mat
               16:23), see Dominion.  Angels are often referred to as men (Ezek 9:2, 11) and
               sometimes this includes angels on the earth (Acts 1:10).  Christ is also a Man (Rom
               5:15).  Angels are men as beings capable of Dominion and of desiring to be God
               (Gen 1:26-28, Isaiah 14:14, Dan 9:21, Luke 1:26).  Christians, from the moment of
               salvation, are angels as the sons of God, only in the flesh - material angels (Mark
               12:25, Luke 20:36, Rom 7:25).  Once freed of the mortal flesh we are manifestly
               equal to angels (Luke 20:35-36 which refers to the present as well as the future:
               'accounted worthy' and 'are the children of God', John 8:51). As evidence of this
               we can speak with the tongues of angels (1 Cor 13:1). However Christians are also
               equal to angels now (Luke 20:34-38) and this means that they should manifest
               appropriation and not die in the flesh (Luke 20:34-38) but remain spotless until the
               Changing (Job 16:8, John 17:22, Rom 6:3-5, 8:10, 37-39, 9:23, 12:1-2, 1 Cor
               15:47-57, 2 Cor 3:17-18, 4:6-7, Eph 1:19, 5:27, Col 1:9-10, 22, 2:9-10, 1 Thes
               2:12). God wants to be loved by the power of God from those with this power who
               are yet not God (Deut 6:5, Col 2:10).Meanwhile non-Christians are a "little lower
               than the angels" (Psalm 8:5). However Jesus Christ on earth before his resurrection
               was also in the same state (Heb 2:7-9) and he was and is God so we see that this
               state has no limitation of itself.

               Satan also interacts with the basic spirits of non-Christians and the overall minds of
               all men, to the extent that he can (John 13:2).  Possession by devil spirits,
               impossible with Christians, follows a period of heavy interaction and influence as
               we see in Judah who stole the gift money (John 12:6), was minded to betray Jesus
               (John 13:2) but was only possessed later, i.e. after the bread (John 13:27).

               Since Pentecost the Gentiles have, by the gospel, been exposed via their conscious
               minds to the offer of Salvation (Acts 17:30-31).

               Such is the self-security of God that He allows His creations to doubt in their flesh
               minds (only) His existence (Rom 1:28) and this is, paradoxically, excellent
               evidence that He is and is what He is, namely, Love (1 John 4:8).  Whilst
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