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angels and are tormented just by this very presence itself alone such that Heaven
would be as or more tormenting (Rev 14:9-11). Such experience and exposure to
God’s presence is their best chance of Salvation and because this is available (Col
1:20, 23, Phil 2:10) their experience continues in Hell in their best interests and on
their behalf. The eternal condemnation is a default i.e. it continues eternally unless
and until there is repentance, which there always is (1 Cor 12:3, Phil 2:11). This
second death that involves awareness and consciousness also applies to devil
spirits (2 Pet 2:4, Rev 20:15).
The process is also described in Luke 13:2-5 where the point is made that suffering
on earth is a function, primarily, of someone’s interaction with God’s purpose of
salvation (John 9:3, 30) and is not primarily a straight-forward function of the
individual’s sin or sins. This latter is the secondary and over-ruled component
(Lam 3:39). Suffering in Hell or blessing in Heaven counter-balances what
happens on earth and again only for the purpose of salvation in those blessed or
afflicted during the process (Luke 13:2-5, 16:20-31).
If a Christian suffers this is not a function of the position of his flesh, it is righteous
even as it sins (Rom 3:20-22). A Christian will suffer on account of both good and
bad things (1 Peter 3:17) but at all times the suffering is not an expression of that
Christian’s sin but rather what is in the necessary and best interest of the
maintenance of Salvation for that Christian (Rom 8:28, 1 Cor 1:5, 5:5, 2 Thes 1:5,
2 Tim 3:12, 1 Pet 3:14, 4:12-13, 16-19). This prime imperative of suffering applies
to all men (Eccl 9:2), and for non-Christians the objective is for them to be saved
(Eccl 9:2, 1 Pet 3:19), acting as the principal component and affected by lesser
causative agents such as receiving due recompense in this lifetime (Deut 7:10, Jer
31:19 - which covers the primary and secondary causative components, 1 Pet
4:15). Remember that this process has to future-proof the salvation against
any (Rev 21:4-8, 27, 22:15) later sin for all eternity, including the period after
the Last Judgement, in an eternity of free will (Rev 22:5, 17) so it appears
thoroughly mysterious (Isaiah 55:8-9)to us as it covers far more than what we
see in someone's lifetime or can imagine of their experiences up to the Last
Judgement (Rev 21:27). Specifically this means that those in the second Creation
never wish to be God (Rev 21:7) thereby avoiding the Law (Gen 3:5).
A Christian’s fellowship with other Christians is a protection (1 John 1:7 as is
confession (1 John 1:9).
Non-Christians at the final judgement go to Hell for the second death of tormenting
awareness (Rev 14:10-11, 20:10, 15) which is a mystery in that it is a true but