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combined spirit entity of the foetus-with-blood (Gen 2:22-25, 5:2, Lev 17:11,
Psalm 51:5, 58:3, 1 Cor 15:46).
The flesh, and its mind, continues to sin in a Christian (Rom 6:7, 8:23, 1 John
1:8). Despite this Christians should be perfect (2 Cor 13:11, 1 Thes 3:13, 5:23)
although this does not happen to the flesh, as it should (Phil 3:12, 1 Pet 4:1) until
the resurrection (1 Cor 13:10, 15:42-44, Phil 3:21). A Christian’s overall mind, the
combination of the flesh and spirit minds, will be embued with Christ and the
perfect basic spirit’s mind (Rom 8:5, 1 Cor 2:16, Eph 4:23). As a result the overall
mind should become in net terms a powerful force for good (Rom 7:25, 8:5, Eph
4:23) and often indeed a reflection of the spirit such that it becomes almost
indistinguishable from the mind of the spirit and is therefore spirit-like (Rom 8:5,
Eph 4:23).
Paul did not sin when he was restless in his perfect basic spirit. This was not basic
spirit sin as the basic spirit may have good cause to be restless (2 Cor 2:12-13).
Jesus was ‘troubled in spirit’ and did not sin (John 13:21). Christians, because of
Christ’s sacrifice can not be troubled in spirit (Psalm 46:1, Prov 11:8). Jesus as a
Man on Earth was ‘troubled’ in spirit (John 13:21) and indeed God who is a Spirit
is shown as having ‘fierce anger’ (Num 25:4).
It is absolutely possible and available for Christians to know in their conscious
minds all doctrine in sufficient accuracy and detail to behave correctly in every
circumstance (Mat 10:19-20, Mark 13:11, John 14:26, 16:13, 2 Tim 3:16-17
‘perfect’). Furthermore there should be unanimity of belief throughout the church
and this is a default pre-requisite for really effective world evangelism (John
17:20-21) along with Christians loving one another (John 13:34-35). The primary
default is that all has already been achieved that is necessary for belief by all (John
1:1, Rom 1:20, 10:18, Col 1:23). The stipulation that the Word must be preached
to the whole world prior to Jesus’ return is similarly, potentially, over-ridden by
the primary default that everything that is necessary has been achieved already
(John 1:1, Rom 1:20, 10:18, Col 1:23) and therefore the return of Christ now is not
impossible as revealed by the whole Word (Mat 24:42, Mark 13:35).
God knows more about us than we know ourselves (1 Kings 8:39-40, 2 Chron
6:30, Job 23:10, Psalm 26:2, 139:1-16, Jer 12:3). This means that God is
interacting with our own selves, a mystery to us, with the mystery of His Salvation
(Job 9:21, 23:10, Psalm 26:2, 39:11, 139:7-8, Jer 12:3, Jer 17:9-10, 32:19). This
explains all suffering and blessing that we can not explain as God is trying by this
process of blessing and suffering to convert us such that we become alive from