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2:5). Furthermore the wife is already joined in a consummated marital union with
               Christ as the Body of Christ is one body with Christ as its head (Eph 1:22-23, Col
               1:18) even though the marriage supper or celebration of this is 'in the future' as we
               understand time (Rev 19:7-9). Although the marriage supper has not 'yet taken
               place' the marriage and its consummation has (Eph 1:22-23, 5:31-32, Col 1:18).
               Christians are part of the Bride of which Christ is the Head in one body or flesh
               (Eph 1:22-23, 5:31-32, Col 1:18). The bride of Revelation 21:2, albeit 'in the
               future', is the same bride as is now (Rev 22:17), and is already married to Christ
               (Rev 21:9) as there is only the one body of which Christ is even now the Head
               (Eph 1:22-23, 5:31-32, Col 1:18). The commandment for wives to submit to
               husbands is part of the Law (Deut 30:10, Eph 5:22, Col 3:18, Rev 22:18-19).
               However under the Law all disciples (not just women) should submit one to
               another and this applies in the marital context too (Eph 5:21-26).

               The prayers of women are seen to be an important part of spiritual life at Philippi
               (Acts 16:13) and women converts were noted at Thessalonica (Acts 17:12).  Many
               women disciples are mentioned by name suggesting their importance in the early
               church (Acts 16:14-15, 17:34).

               Female Christians can teach (Tit 2:3) and the passage of 1 Timothy 2:11-12 refers
               to the Law.

               The unforgivable Sin

               This occurs when a Christian chooses to lose his faith (Heb 6:4-8, 10:26, 11:4-8, 2
               Pet 2:20, 1 John 5:16-18) and is blasphemy against the Holy Ghost as it results in
               the removal of the Holy Ghost from within the Christian (Mark 3:29, Luke 12:10,
               Rom 5:5, 1 Cor 6:19, Col 1:27).  This is, at the individual level, the abomination of
               desolation (Dan 11:31, 12:11, Mat 24:15, Mark 13:14, 1 Cor 6:19) as it defiles
               what was the temple of the Holy Ghost i.e. the body of the saint in question (1 Cor
               3:16-17, 6:19) and re-establishes the natural state of the basic spirit of a man which
               is to try and be God (Rom 10:3, 2 Thes 2:4); as well as ‘defiling’ the Body of
               Christ, by the removal of the saint from the Body of Christ (John 2:21, Eph 1:23).
               This will occur with greater frequency prior to the second resurrection (Mat 24:15,
               Mark 13:15-30) which also sees the fall of some angels (Dan 8:10, Mark 13:25).
               The daily sacrifice that is interrupted is the continual washing of a saint in Christ’s
               blood, the continual, vicarious, life-giving participation of the Christian in the
               once-for-all (Rom 6:5, 10, Heb 6:4, 6) single act of Christ’s sacrifice (Dan 8:11,
               11:31, 12:11). It is not the Old Testament continual burnt offering (Ezra 3:5) or
               meal offering (Neh 10:33). A Christian’s flesh whilst still continually sinning (1
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