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according to the forgiveness distributed by that person to others (Mat 18:35). All
of Christ’s commands are automatically part of the Law, which is the curse and the
forbidden fruit (Gen 2:17, Mat 5:17-19, John 1:1, Gal 3:10). The command to
salvation which is the Tree of Life fulfils the Law (John 1:1, Gal 3:13, Rev 22:18-
19). The parabolical Adam was prevented from ‘eating’ of the Tree of Life which
means in the context of Genesis and the unsaved Man, receiving eternal life
without being saved (Gen 3:22). In other words Man giving himself immortality
by His own strength or ‘hand’ (Gen 3:22) which would be an eternity of sin and is
what eternal condemnation under judgement is. Salvation has to be a difficult
‘way’ as the purpose is to achieve a state where there is an eternity of free will but
never a choice made to sin (Gen 3:22, Mat 7:14).
Christians are totally forgiven of all sins past, present and future (Rom 3:22, 8:1,
Col 2:13), completely forgiving of others, totally confessing, totally repenting and
can not sin in spirit (1 John 3:9). All this by the operation of the Holy Ghost and
their perfect basic spirit (Rom 8:26, 1 John 3:9). The righteousness issue is dealt by
the confession, forgiveness, repentance of the basic spirit and its perfection as
discussed above, in essence the blood of Christ (Rom 10:4). All sin is, in the over-
riding and primary sense, committed against only God and not this or that human
(Psalm 51:4-5). In another sense men do sin against men (Luke 11:4, 15:18). Man
seeks the Law from the moment of life in the womb (Psalm 51:5).
Loss of Salvation represents a halt to this process and precedes a cessation of the
above, the above process does not stop whilst someone is saved. The issue with
failure to repent, which covers all the processes, in the conscious mind is that it
jeopardises the ongoing status of being a Christian i.e. can lead to the deliberate
loss of faith (Rev 2:5, 16, 21-22). If a believer is worried or concerned that they
have/may have lost their faith then by definition of such concern they have not
(John 3:20, Rom 3:22).
A Christian has Christ as their Lord as well as their Saviour irrespective of
whatever sin they may have committed (Mat 24:42, 46, John 20:28, Rom 8:26, 1
John 3:9), as you are either saved or not there is no degree of salvation or division
between first-class Christians or second-class Christians.
Christians feel guilty in their overall minds or ‘hearts’ not in their basic spirit (1
John 3:20-21).
Circumcision & The Jews