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Just as on earth, this preaching to those not having heard the gospel to God’s
               satisfaction can be accomplished by saved people doing the preaching on behalf of
               Christ e.g. Abraham (Luke 16:22-25) and moreover directed from outside Hell.
               With Abraham to the rich man it was conducted from Heaven to Hell (Luke 16:22-
               31). Alternatively it can be performed directly by Christ and from inside Hell, out
               of that part of Hell which is characterised by awareness namely ‘Prison’,  by Christ
               (1 Pet 3:19, 4:6). The preaching can be by an angel (Zech 3:1-4). The rich man and
               beggar story is a real account (Luke 16:19).  We see the perfection of the Hell
               preaching in Luke 16:31.

               Once this preaching by exposure and experience in Heaven (Zech 3:1-4, Col 1:20)
               or Hell is concluded, if the person rejects the gospel, he is unconscious and dead in
               every respect (in Hell, part of the ‘Grave’ - see below) until the resurrection at
               which he will be judged and condemned (Eccl 9:5, 10, Mark 16:16).  If however he
               believes thus becoming a Christian he goes to Paradise (Rev 2:7)  and is perfect
               before God awaiting bodily resurrection.  People who have been exposed to the
               Gospel, to God's satisfaction, in this life and reject it will at death go to Hell, the
               default area i.e. not ‘Prison’, (Mat 10:28, Mark 16:15-16, Rev 20:13), a part of the
               Grave (Eccl 9:5-10) where there is no body for men (Mat 10:28). It is a place of
               unconsciousness for men (Eccl 9:5-10) but not for devil spirits (Mat 8:29, 2 Pet
               2:4), where they remain, dead in every respect (Eccl 9:5, 10), until they are
               resurrected with a spiritual, resurrected, and physical body, a resurrected soul (Rev
               6:9, 20:12), as distinct to the spiritual (after death or out-of-the-body), non-
               resurrected (Job 14:12), soul (1 Sam 30:12, Mat 10:28, 18:8-9), for the Judgement
               at which they will be condemned for eternity (Psalm 143:2, Rev 20:12-15). A non-
               resurrected soul either has the physical body of biological life or the soul (non-
               resurrected) body (1 Sam 30:12, Luke 16:24).

               For these men consciousness is only returned, whilst still in the Grave, at the start
               of the final Judgement (John 5:28). Everlasting Fire is the place of eternal, which is
               the second, death (Mat 18:8-9) also referred to as the Lake of Fire (Rev 20:15). All
               judgement appertaining to eternal life or otherwise, or even to the differential
               rewards for those saved, is by the gospel therefore (Rom 2:16). This is because the
               only alternative measure, someone’s works, which is the operation of the Law, the
               Forbidden Fruit of Genesis and the Curse, means automatic damnation (Rom 3:20).
               The only deliverance, before the end of the Last Judgement, from the non-prison
               part of Hell, 'the lowest hell', is never to go there as with David (Psalm 86:13).
               What this means is that the people in this predicament go, at the Last Judgement,
               straight into the Lake of Fire to remian there, eternally, unless and until they repent
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