P. 9

The punctuation of the KJV is part of the Word but may not appear as we would
               imagine (1 Sam 9:17). All points of doctrine are also vital (Rev 22:18-19).

               The 66 Book Titles, Chapter and verse numbers are part of the Word in accordance
               with the default principle of inclusion (Rev 22:18-19).  Page numbering by
               numbering alone does not conflict with Revelation 22:18-19.

               No other ‘Bibles’ represent the Word of God, they are instead to a greater or lesser
               extent, approximations to the Word of God (Rev 22:18-19).

               The authorized King James Text, as printed in the last edition, is the Word in
               English.  Should a new language or languages evolve out of English then this text
               should be ‘translated’. The same applies to current translation into other languages
               in that the King James Text should be used (Rev 22:18-19). Only a translation, or
               even an ‘updating’, inspired by the Holy Ghost will produce the scripture in
               another language (Rev 22:18-19). The King James ‘translation’ was a miracle of
               the Holy Ghost (2 Tim 3:16-17).  The choice of which texts, translations and which
               portions of those texts and translations to use and the resultant translation of them
               was a miraculous process mediated by Holy Ghost (2 Tim 3:16-17). Since the King
               James Text is one complete text or Word it is this that should be used for further
               translations rather than the texts and other translations used by the King James
               translators themselves (John 1:1, Rev 22:18-19).

               The identification by the majority of Christians of the Word as the in-the-material
               Canon of Scripture, a single, whole Scripture, was a process mediated by the Holy
               Ghost working through Christians, plural.  For every verse there can only be one
               rendition in Greek, Hebrew, English or any other language (Rev 22:18-19) and the
               verse by verse awareness of the correct renditions contained in various texts has
               also been a process, culminating for English through its writing as the inerrant last
               edition of the King James text.  The coming of the Word-in-the-flesh was also a
               process and an event (John 1:14).  Christ, God the Son, exists in eternity as
               Melchisedec (Heb 7:21) and as a process of defined time appeared as Jesus in His
               first coming upon Earth (1 Cor 15:45-47), both have flesh, the same flesh (John
               20:27, 1 Cor 11:27, 15:45-47, Phil 3:21). Nonetheless, as a mystery, The Word
               becoming flesh via the Virgin Birth, dwelling among us with the purpose of being
               tempted but not sinning (John 1:14, Heb 4:15) is a distinct process to the
               appearance of Melchisedec in Genesis (Gen 14:18, John 1:14) and as another
               mystery in all this God did not change (Mal 3:6). The flesh of risen Christians, still
               humans, and that of Christ in eternity (not when on Earth as Jesus) is the same in
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