P. 12

People committed to a task are quite prepared to assimilate ‘jargon’ to study or
               practise their profession, hobby, classic literature or sport. It is accessible, but with
               some effort, and we know that the Word is not easy to encounter or understand, so
               that some effort is required comes as no surprise (2 Pet 3:16).  The accessibility of
               the Word is the Word’s prerogative to determine, not ours, and can not be forced
               (Luke 8:10, 19:26).  The Word is not intended to be an easy read for alleged
               ‘accessibility’ but the hardest read of one’s life (Heb 4:12) as reading it is an
               interaction between the reader and the Living God (John 1:1, Heb 4:12).  The
               reader is dissected, examined and interrogated by God as he reads (Heb 4:12).
               Many of the so-called ‘archaic’ forms have meaning that no scholastic translation
               can convey into current English without Holy Ghost inspiration, for example the
               use of singular and plural pronouns (John 3:7). Using a glossary of ‘archaic’ terms
               with their modern equivalents or a dictionary is fine as neither violate the inviolate
               text itself (Rev 22:18-19). Likewise there should be no question of changing words
               to comply with ‘derivative’ copyright rules (Rev 22:18-19).

               The Word of God in today's English is revealed to us as the King James Text by
               the same process of Holy Ghost revelation that took about 300 years for Christians
               to ‘set’ the Canon of Scripture, an even more basic revelation.  No other Bible text
               is the Scripture (Rev 22:18-19) and this text must be the sole text for any inspired
               translation into other languages (Rev 22:18-19).  This is an example of the
               continuance of discernment (1 Cor 2:13-15). This is by discernment of Spirit (1
               Cor 2:13-15), which the Word is (John 1:1, 4:24), and by discernment of fruit (Mat
               7:20). When the last word of Revelation was written, and not before (Rev 22:18-
               19), then the Word-in-the-material-as-separate-texts existed, the Word-as-book
               only exists today in Spirit. The Word-in-the-material-as-a-single-text-in-one-
               language exists only as the 1769 edition of the KJV.

               The Word-in-the-material-as-book-in-the-original-autograph-texts has never
               existed and probably neither has the Word-in-the-material-as-separate-texts-in-the-
               original-autographs since by the time Revelation was finished the original Genesis
               autograph script was probably lost.  Precision of terms is everything in this matter.
               The Word-in-the-material-as-book will only exist when a King James text is
               printed (see above) without the current titles, marginal notes, prefaces etc. (Rev

               Therefore we have:

               The Word-as-Book-in-the-Spiritual (Mal 3:6, John 1:1, 14, Rev 22:18-19).
               (Always existing In Heaven).
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