P. 5

Christ the human exists in eternity, past, present and future as Melchisedec (Psalms
               110:4, Heb 7: 3-4, 8, 10, 17, 21, 22-24).  Whilst Jesus was on Earth he ‘dwelt
               among us’ in human flesh as human (John 1:14) and as Melchisedec he had
               appeared to Abraham but had not ‘dwelt among us’ as not yet incarnated. Jesus is
               both fully man and fully God in the Hypostatic Union in eternity (Heb 7:1-3), past
               (Gen 14:18-20, Psalms 110:4, John 8:56, Heb 7:21), present (Heb 7:17, 21) and
               future (Heb 7:17, 21).

               Therefore before and after the resurrection Jesus had/has a fully physical, yet
               sinless body and flesh, as we will have when we are changed or resurrected (Phil
               3:21), which is yet human flesh (Luke 24:30, 39, John 20:27, 21:12) and yet
               naturally perfect (Eph 5:27, Phil 3:21). Jesus' flesh did not sin despite the
               Incarnation even though this was the same sin-prone flesh as we have (John 1:14,
               Rom 7:18, Heb 4:15) which is a mystery.  Christ’s being conceived of the Holy
               Ghost in the Virgin birth and yet being flesh is a mystery (Mat 1:18). Jesus had not
               been born when Christ as Melchisedec met Abraham (John 8:56). The Word was
               (John 1:1) and is God (Mal 3:6, John 8:58). The Word’s identity and nature is a
               mystery both as to God not changing and to the Word being a Person called the
               Word of God (Rev 19:13) and that Person being Christ. Both Christ and therefore
               the Word as well, embody all the fullness of the Godhead (Col 2:9, 1 John 5:7).
               The Word-written-in-the-material (i.e. physical, written text on Earth) is also a
               mystery to us beyond the comprehension of our logic but is rather to be accepted
               by faith (1 Cor 2:14). When Christ became sin on the cross (2 Cor 5:21) he was sin
               in both his flesh and Spirit (John 1:1, 14) and in his humanity and as God (John
               1:1, 14), making God at that point both sin and righteousness (2 Cor 5:21) whilst,
               as a mystery, God and Christ yet remained completely righteous (Mal 3:6). The
               infinity of God's righteousness when conjoined with all, finite, sin simply
               extinguished (and extinguishes) all the sin (Mal 3:6, 1 Cor 13:8, 1 John 2:2). Since
               God does not change (Mal 3:6) He was, is and will always be in this state of
               absorbing and encompassing all finite sin and evil (2 Cor 5:21), being thereby
               finite sin (2 Cor 5:21), and yet completely righteous in His infinite Holiness (Isaiah
               45:5-6) and without sin by His antinomous nature (2 Cor 5:21). This is the will of
               God and the story of the First and Second Creation (Rev 22:13). It is also how and
               why God creates and performs evil as His secondary will (Judges 2:15, 2 Sam
               24:15-16, Isaiah 45:7, Jer 19:15, Amos 9:4).

               Regarding the Name of God it should be noted that the three names of the three
               Persons of the Trinity, or Godhead, form one single name for the one God (Mat
               28:19) and yet one of Christ's names is unknown until the second resurrection (Rev
               2:17, 19:12). God is also called I AM THAT I AM (Ex 3:14). Also, of course, each
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