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First & Second Resurrection
This duality is essential to an understanding of the end times and Revelation. The
first resurrection is when the dead saints rise up (Rev 20:4) and those that are alive
are changed (1 Cor 15:51-54). It precedes the second resurrection which is the
judgement of all those, including the later Christians i.e. post-first resurrection, not
included in the first resurrection (Isaiah 4:3-6, Rev 20:12-15). The first resurrection
is for Christians only (1 Cor 15:51), unlike the second (Rev 20:12-15).
Abraham & Isaac & God & His Son
The event of Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Isaac was an appropriation for us
and others (Heb 11:12), to receive the Son of God (Heb 11:17-19) who was
actually sacrificed (Gal 3:13). This was also a precedent test (Heb 11:19).
Abraham was father, i.e. ancestor by promise (Rom 9:8), of Christians by the
specific righteousness stemming from his specific belief in this ancestry (Gen 15:6,
Rom 4:3, 11-12, Gal 3:6-9, 14-16) for which Abrahams' faith was also a precedent
test (Gen 15:6, Heb 11:8). Appropriation is also foreshadowed in that God suggests
that returning to the youth of the flesh is not impossible for him (Gen 18:10, 14) as
was indeed achieved by Sarah in one sense at least - the reproductive organs (Gen
17:17-19, 18: 12-14) and by Moses to a degree (Deut 34:7). The longevity of the
early patriarchs of Genesis is also a parable about appropriation (Gen Chapter 5).
Israel & Jerusalem
These terms in prophecy often refer to Christians and the Church (Micah 4:2, Ezek
18:31, Rev 21:2).
Marriage Of Church & Men
Marriage between a man and a woman is a portent and reflection of that between
Christ and his Church (Eph 5:31-32). The mystery of the latter is that before the
marriage takes place (Mat 9:15, Rev 21:2) we are yet part of Christ’s risen flesh
(Eph 5:30) with Christ being permanently with us (Mat 28:20).
Holy Ghost Upon Prophets Of Old Testament & In Christians
In the Old Testament God put his Spirit upon individuals (Num 11:17, 25) or with
individuals (Num 14:24) and placed it in certain people (Num 27:18, Ex 31:3).
They were filled completely for a specific time or to a certain, variable, extent (Ex