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This is fundamental to understanding the Word and its truths which are often only
               describeable in our terms by a seeming dual, logical contradiction or
               incompatibility of timing. These are fulfilled by holy antinomy. There are a
               number of key dualities:

               First & Second Covenant

               The first is the Law and the second is the escape from the Law (Jer 31: 32-33) as
               God does not change (Mal 3:6) these are in fact, as a mystery, the same God (Rev
               22:13).  Hence the, single, Tree of Life as a mystery appears twice on either side of
               the river in the second Creation (Rev 22:2) showing us that the Tree of Knowledge
               or the Law has remained but been subsumed by and become the Tree of Life
               through the fulfilment of Christ (Rev 22:2).  God and Christ are the Law and the
               fulfilled Law, God as a Man, the Man Jesus Christ, was also the Unfulfilled Law
               (Heb 4:15). As Man, Christ, Jesus, that is God, was under the Law (Heb 4:15) and
               He was the Unfulfilled Law (Heb 4:15) and is its fulfilment (Acts 3:18, Rom 8:4).
               The Tree of Life, Jesus (Rev 2:7) was crucified upon the Tree of the Law or the
               curse (Gal 3:13), the tree of knowledge (Gen 2:17), just as the Law, the Tree of
               knowledge, also Jesus, was crucified upon the Tree of Life (Mat 22:40). Jesus
               repeatedly sinned under the Law (Ex 20:13 vs Mat 26:17-18, Mark 11:21,
               Luke 5:4-6, Rom 12:14 vs Mark 11:21, Ex 20:10 vs Mark 2:23-26) but was
               righteous by means of his fulfillment (grace) of the Law so yet was, in a
               mystery of antinomy, without sin (Heb 4:15). He was also righteous for the
               same reason despite sinning the sin of becoming under the Law in the first
               place, done for our sakes but still a sin (Rom 3:19-21, 4:15).

               Primary & Secondary Will of God

               A secondary will of God is often enacted indirectly.  The Law being a secondary
               will was given by the disposition of angels (Acts 7:53) and by Moses (John 7:19),
               that is indirectly from God.  Secondary wills require a prior abomination to God,
               despite being, in a mystery, fully His will, in that they involve the primary sin that
               precedes them (Isaiah 1:13). The Law is entered into by rebellion against God
               (Gen 2:17, 3:3-6, Psalm 94:20 ‘a law’, 105:10 ‘a law’, Rom 3:20) and then
               becomes the perfect process that leads by Christ to the escape from it (Rom 10:4)
               unto salvation (Psalm 19:7, Gal 3:24).  The Law is a Law (Gen 2:17, Psalm
               105:10, 119:33-34) and a fruit (Gen 2:17).

               God’s will is always absolutely His will but if His primary will is not chosen by his
               creations then sometimes He allows a secondary will to take effect.  This is no less
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