P. 43

Having a mortgage is clearly condemned under the Law (Rom 13:8) but, again, the
               test for the Christian is whether this mortgage, now, for this person, at this time, in
               these circumstances is compatible with the Love of God, neighbour and self (Mat

               A woman in spiritual leadership or teaching the Word, or wearing gold or pearl
               jewellery, is clearly condemned under the Law (1 Cor 14:34-37, 1 Tim 2:9-15),
               but, again, the test for the Christian woman is whether in such a position or doing
               such things she is loving God, neighbour and self (Mat 22:40)   We see that in the
               Word there have been such instances in the past that were not sinful even under the
               Law as those women involved, who were under the Law (Gal 3:22), had a specific
               command to spiritually lead and teach and were therefore under the Law
               commanded to do so by specific command applicable to them as individuals (Judg
               4:4, 6, 5:3-12, 2 Kings 22:14). The Law can be, as with killing (Ex 20:13, Deut
               20:16, Rev 13:10) or divorce (Deut 24:1-3, Rom 7:1-3), must be (Mat 5:17-18, 2
               Cor 5:21, 12:4, Rev 22;13), and often is, 'contradictory'.

               As for that subject so dear to Christians, sex, Hosea is commanded, therefore it was
               the Law for him (Rev 22:18-19), to have a prostitute for a wife and then to have
               sex with another woman - an adulteress (Hosea 1:2, 3:1-2).

               The bottom line is that the Christian must Love God, neighbour and self and God

               judges whether any thought, word or deed meets that test (Mat 22:40, John 8:50).
               No dictionary definition of a word such as genocide, fornication or mortgage can
               determine whether the act is right or not for the Christian (1 Cor 2:11-16).  The
               total context of all the circumstances is key to God's decision (Eccl 3:1-9, Mat
               22:40).  No philosophical musings can determine the righteousness of any act for
               the Christian either, only God can (John 8:50, 1 Cor 2:11-16).

               Time Displacement

               God lives in eternity, a kind of eternal present, and His book is written from that
               perspective (Eccl 3:14-15).  The time reference or tense of the Word can suddenly
               change from, say, the past to the present time of the author (John 4:9) and there are
               many other combinations of time displacement in the Word.  A single verse can
               refer to two time periods (Jer 3:16) and switch between them by one word or even
               refer to two time periods in the very same passage (Jer 3:16-17, Mat 24:27-31).

               Duality Principle & Antinomy
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