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The Law is to be completely obeyed (Deut 27:26) by every man (Lev 24:22,
Romans 3:10, 20, 7:1, 1 Cor 9:21) or alternatively fulfilled (Mat 5:17-19). Once
fulfilled it is no longer the standard or measurer of righteousness (Mat 5:17-19,
Rom 10:4, Heb 9:8-9, 14). It is now fulfilled by Christ and belief in Christ so the
prophecy of Matthew 5:18-19 is fulfilled. It can not be obeyed by man although it
should be (Rom 3:10, 11:32). It has always been subsumed by (and subsumes) the
two great commandments of loving God and one’s neighbour (Mat 22:40, Mark
12:30-31, Rom 10:4) and actually is the ‘Golden Rule’ (Mat 7:12). All human
society, still under the Law, will show some attempt to keep the Golden Rule
which is the Law (Mat 7:12, Rom 2:14, Gal 5:14). It included the general
instructions of the prophets (Mat 7:12, 22:40). The written Law is a Book (Joshua
1:82, Kings 22:11) just as the written Word is a Book (Rev 22:18-19), the same
book (Deut 30:10, Rev 22:18-19). It comes from the Lord of all the earth (Joshua
3:11). Despite all this God does recognise in a mysterious way the concept of
trying to keep the Law (2 Kings 14:3-4).
The Golden Rule in its single commandment is the Law, and this incorporates the
so-called Judaic laws in their detail (Mat 7:12), and it is this that all Mankind has
an urge to keep (Rom 2:14-15), as under the Law by universal choice as the default
(Rom 3:19), and which all Mankind just as surely fails to keep (Rom 3:20). It is
Mankind’s attempt to define his own righteousness and then to keep it and thus
become his own God (Gen 3:22, Phil 3:9), which is vanity (Eccl 1:2). Given that
this Golden rule is fulfilled in both the flesh and spirit of Christians (Rom 3:20, 31,
4:15, 1 John 3:9) is inapplicable to Christians (Rom 10:4). Christians should
follow instead the two great commandments of loving God, neighbour and oneself
(Mat 22:40). By following the second commandment the whole Law is fulfilled
(Rom 13:9, Gal 5:14, Jam 2:8) since as God is Love (1 John 4:8, 16) to obey the
second necessitates the first (Mat 22:39, Rom 13:9, Gal 5:14, Jam 2:8). All love,
whether recognised as such or not, comes from God and in loving ones neighbour
as thyself one loves God (Mat 22:39, Rom 13:9, Gal 5:14, Jam 2:8, 1 John 4:8,
16). The Law and the Prophets, which is the Golden Rule and incorporates the
Judaic Law, constitute a sub-component of the two great commandments (Rom
13:8-9) and yet in a mystery the two great commandments are a part of the Law
(Lev 19:18, Deut 6:5, Mat 22:40). These two are fulfilled and yet applicable to
Christians as commandments but not as judgmental Law conferring righteousness
or condemnation according to obedience (John 15:14, Rom 3:31, 10:4). The Law
and the Prophets, which is the Golden Rule, are fulfilled and inapplicable to
Christians (Rom 3:31, 10:4). All the commandments of Christ are part of the Law
(Deut 28:61, 30:10, Mat 5:18, Luke 16:17, John 1:1, 14, Rev 22:18-19) and, except
for the two great commandments (Mat 22:40, John 14:21), are inapplicable to a