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(1 Cor 14:34-35, 1 Tim 2:11-12), women praying with uncovered heads (1 Cor
11:5), men praying with covered heads (1 Cor 11:4), homosexual sex (Rom 1:27),
homosexuals not practising reciprocal sex (Mat 7:12), heterosexuals likewise (Mat
7:12), women wearing gold or pearl jewellery or having plaited ('broided') hair (1
Tim 2:9, 1 Pet 3:3), receiving interest (Deut 23:19, Prov 28:8), involvement in the
occult (Lev 20:6, 27), exegesis or hermeneutics (Isaiah 28:13, Mat 15:6, Mark
7:13, 2 Pet 1:20, Rev 22:18-19), giving sworn evidence (Jam 5:12), etc.; is judged
by God (John 8:50), who is Love (1 John 4:8), to be in accordance with the two
Great Commandments of Love, it would not be a sin for the Christian (Mat 22:40,
Rom 10:4, 14:4).
This is not saying that there has ever, or will ever, be a specific situation where any
act of genocide, ethnic cleansing, having a mortgage, giving sworn evidence or the
wearing of gold jewellery, or indeed a violation of any of the commandments of
the Law and the Word (Deut 29:21, Mat 5:18, Jam 2:10, Rev 22:18-19), is judged
by God to be (or not to be) an act of obedience to the two Great Commandments
and therefore not sinful for the Christian (Mat 22:40) - only that these acts are not
the definition of sin for Christians (Rom 10:4). For Christians, only the two Great
Commandments are the definition of sin with God as the arbiter and judge, and the
rightness of any thought, word or deed (from the standpoint of the two great
commandments) is to be discerned by the operation of the Holy Ghost within the
Christian (Mat 22:40, 1 Cor 2:15). God, who is Love (1 John 4:8), is the arbiter of
what is love and whether any thought, word or deed is obedient to the two great
commandments of Love (Rom 2:1).
God, alone, must judge (Rom 2:1) the nations that owe their existence to the
genocide and ethnic cleansing of the indigenous inhabitants - just as in the case of
biblical Israel (Num 31:15-18, 33:53, Deut 7:2-3, 13:15-17, Jos 6:21, 10:40, 20:1-
9, 23:5, 24:13, 1 Sam 15:3, 19-22, 23:2). Indeed the early Christian settlers felt
they had the same Godly justification as the Israelites for their genocide and ethnic
cleansing. The taxpayers and democratic voters of the Western countries have
arguably participated in the readiness and preparedness to commit genocide by
nuclear weapons - the so-called Mutually Assured Destruction. Many of the
nations of Earth have involved genocide in their formation. Genocide was a
secondary will of the Law (Ex 15:3, 20:13, Deut 7:1-2, 13:15) whilst pacifism is
the primary will of the Law (Mat 5:44, Luke 6:29, Rom 12:19, Jam 4:1, Rev
13:10). As a secondary will of the Law the genocide of non-Israelites in certian
cities still exists today as a part of the Law for those Israelites under the Law (Deut
13:15, 20:16, Mat 5:18).