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31:3, Num 11:25, 24:2). This took place for specific empowerment for particular
purposes (Ex 31:3-6, Num 24:2) and was only given finitely. The Christian has
Christ within, the Holy Ghost is permanently and completely inside the Christian
as part of the process of Salvation which is a distinct process to the Old Testament
pattern (Acts 2:4) as it indwells by grace alone (Rom 3:24). The other key
difference is that, in the Christian, the person's own basic spirit is transformed,
made perfect and does not sin (1 John 3:9). Only the flesh of a Christian sins (Rom
7:18) and this can lead to loss of salvation (Heb 6:6), that is a simultaneous loss of
Christian status and the return to having a sinning basic spirit, but the causative
agent in the unforgivable sin is the Christian's flesh (Rom 7:18, 1 John 3:9).
Jesus, Sent To Israel & The Creation
Jesus was sent only to the house of Israel (Mat 15:24) and yet to everybody (Col
Israel (&Judah) & Christians
There is the division and duality within Jewry (Jer 13:11) and the two bodies of
circumcision, one physical and one spiritual (Col 2:11).
The Law & Christ
The Law is a curse (Gal 3:13) and the knowledge of good and evil (Gen 2:17, Rom
3:20, 5:12-14, 7:7) for the flesh (Rom 3:20, 7:18, 8:1, 3, 1 Cor 10:18) without the
means to keep it (Rom 3:20, Gal 3:10-11). It is an attempt by the flesh to cure the
flesh (Gen 3:11, Rom 8:1-5, 1 Cor 10:18). It is the curse of sin and death (Gen
2:17, 1 Cor 15:56). It appertains therefore to the temporal life of the flesh and not
eternal life (Rom 8:1-5, Gal 3:12). Faith in Christ is Salvation (Rom 8:1), the Law
of Christ (Gal 6:2) and the escape from the Law (Rom 3:21, Gal 3:13). The Law
although forbidden by God (Gen 2:17), out of love (Gen 2:17), is always, in the
natural, chosen by men (Rom 1:17-23, 2:12-15) whilst that which is offered to all
men and commanded of God, the Tree of Life, is initially rejected (Gen 1:29, 2:16,
Rom 1:17-20). The alternative to the Law, namely Salvation by Christ, was known
in the conscious mind to various Old Testament characters (Job 19:25, Psalms
9:14,13:5, 17:7, 19:14, 20:5, 21:1, 4, Micah 7:7) and its applicability to all men not
just the Jews was also revealed early on by God (Gen 15:4-5, Psalms 9:19-20, Rev
20:15). This includes reference to the Saviour in the present tense as the Saviour of
the speaker e.g. Job (Job 19:25), David (Psalms 25:5, 26:11, 27:1, 62:1-2) and
others (Psalms 28:8). Micah understood that it was God Himself who would be the
Saviour (Micah 7:7).