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spiritual Word, is God (John 1:1). This means that, as a mystery, what appears to
               us as a finite material text is yet infinite as a spiritual book (John 1:1). The closed
               and finite spiritual text of the written-in-the-spirit (John 1:1) and spoken-in-the-
               spirit (Psalm 78:1, Isaiah 55:11) Word is, mysteriously, in nature and meaning
               actually infinite and sharing of all the other characteristics of the Personal and
               Triune Godhead (1 John 5:7, Rev 19:11-16, 22:18-19). It is a being, namely God
               (John 1:1-4).  The Word was made flesh in Jesus Christ (John 1:14) and this was
               God (John 20:28). The Word is not made material ink and paper, though it is-in-
               the-material, in The Scripture (or perfect 'Bible'), text or book as the hand of man
               is necessarily involved (Deut 4:15, Rom 1:23). The Word is inspired by the Holy
               Ghost and the text is therefore perfect but it is physically written (or printed) in the
               material by men via their hands and therefore can not be worshipped as a physical
               object (Micah 5:13).  Such a book on earth is not God by reason of the default that
               God is spirit and distinct from His material, physical, Creation (John 4:24, Rom
               1:20-25). Jesus in the flesh was an exception by virtue of being conceived by the
               Holy Ghost via the Virgin Birth (John 1:14). As God he is separate from the
               creation (Gen 1:1) and as Man he is part of the creation (1 Tim 2:5).  A perfect
               ‘Bible’ is not to be worshipped as a ‘form’ of God or a physical thing as no such
               ‘form’ can exist (Deut 4:15).  The written-in-the-spirit Word, the book, in Heaven
               and as spoken in Heaven is to be worshipped as God and is an He not an it (1 John
               5:7, Rev 1:16, 19:11-17, 22:18-19). Everyone has always had access to the Word
               by means of the ministration of the Holy Ghost to the extent that they are willing to
               receive it (Rom 1:20, Titus 2:11-12).  Only the spirit of Man, animals or spirits,
               e.g. angels, can receive the Word and the Word can only be properly understood by
               the operation of the Holy Ghost in a Man or by the witness of a Christian's own
               spirit, made perfect (1 John 3:9), or both (1 Cor 2:14-16).

               The Word can not be discerned as a material and written text by means of
               scholarship or learning as represented by Archaeology, Linguistics, Ancient
               History, History, Theology, the study of Greek, Hebrew or Aramaic or academic
               qualifications but only the operation of faith (Rom 14:23) and the discernment of
               the Holy Ghost working in believers (1 Cor 2:14).  No translation can give rise to
               the written Word unless it is inspired by the Holy Ghost by faith alone (Rom
               14:23). We must appropriate by faith perfect and inspired translations of this text
               into all other languages (Rom 14:23).

               There is a duality principle whereby the first, coming or being under the Law, was
               of the letter spawned in disobedience and the second, Salvation and the way of
               salvation, is by obedience to the Spirit (2 Cor 3:6).  The Word, being God, is one
               with the Holy Ghost and also the Word-written-in-Spirit-in-the-hearts-of-
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