P. 21

All of the words in the Word form the Word (John 12:48, Rev 22:18-19).  The
               Word is eternal (Mark 13:31, Luke 21:33) and will judge mankind as He is God
               (John 1:1, 12:48, Rev 19:12, 15). Therefore as all the words of the Word have
               never passed away , and never will, they form an ever-present reality as God (Mark
               13:31, Luke 21:33, John 1:1, 12:48).

               The Word-in-the-material is called Scripture and is an 'it' not a 'He' (John 1:1, 1:14,
               10:35, 12:48, 2 Tim 3:15-16, Gal 3:22).

               God has used unsavoury people and beings to utter passages recorded in His Word
               including Satan, Goliath and Pilate to name but three.  Herod was used to utter an
               unrecorded message from God, failed to give the glory to God, and died (Acts
               12:23). A devil spirit, with the evil intent of causing confusion, spoke through a
               woman a true message recorded in the Word (Acts 16:17).  Neither the woman, the
               devil spirit nor Pilate were Christians.  Nebuchadnezzar speaks for virtually the
               whole of Daniel Chapter 4 and Darius' writing is recorded (Dan 6:25-27).  Satan
               preaches a false doctrine in the Word (Gen 3:4).

               All scripture to be so must be written as scripture (2 Tim 3:16) under the
               inspiration of the Holy Ghost. It may or may not or spoken under the Holy Ghost’s
               inspiration (Gen 3:4, 2 Pet 1:21) but it is then written under the inspiration of the
               Holy Ghost (2 Tim 3:16). Pilate’s writing and Satan’s statements only became part

               of Scripture when an inspired-of-God person wrote it (2 Tim 3:16).  An inspired
               translation is just that, a translation not a new or additional writing of or addition to
               the canon of scripture (Rev 22:18-19).  The Word can not lie (Tit 1:2, 1 John 2:21)
               and must therefore be perfectly translated when translated (Mat 27:46, Mark 15:34,
               Rev 22:18) which is possible and to be appropriated by faith (John 14:26, Rom
               14:23, 2 Cor 13:8).  Otherwise it is not the Word or Scripture (Rev  22:18-19).
               Christians must focus on the Word, not ‘Bibles’ (Rev 22:18-19).

               Whilst the point of original inspiration is when the ‘author’ of part of the Word
               first wrote it under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, even this inspiration was
               additional and secondary in those cases where God has already first written the
               passage in-the-material as at Sinai (Ex 31:18, Deut 9:10).  This also applies to the
               writing on the wall episode with Belshazzar.  In this case a ‘the fingers of a man’s
               hand’ perform the writing. This could have been either Christ as Melchisedec or an
               angel but in either case the hand was inspired by God (Dan 5:26).  Interestingly
               this writing is translated and interpreted and in both cases this is inspired and
               perfect (Dan 5:26-28).  This proves that there can be inspiration of both translation
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