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on water is a mere expression or allegory, in the same way as was meant recently
when a UK Labour MP attested that Tony Blair, the Prime Minister, ‘walks on
Furthermore religions prior to Christianity had myths about gods rising from the
dead, so the expression ‘coming back from the dead’ is as old as Man. So, in fact,
anything in the Word can, potentially, be held to be an expression. The Word tells
us that God is not Man, or a Man, and Man is not God (Num 23:19, Job 9:32, Hos
11:9, John 1:18) and yet Christ is fully God (John 20:28) and fully Man and a man
(1 Tim 2:5). This makes no more logical sense than Herod being fully a man and
fully a fox and both therefore, at least from the perspective of logic, could be
considered to be equivalent expressions. The fact is that the Holy Ghost reveals to
us that the hypostatic union is a proper interpretation of the scripture whilst Herod
being a fox is an allegory or parable, or, if you prefer, an expression or figure of
speech. This understanding is not therefore 'obvious', or capable of being
grammatically established, but revealed (1 Cor 2:14-16, 2 Pet 1:20). To compound
the mystery all men under the Law are gods (Gen 3:5, Psalm 82:1-8, John 10:33-
36) but not the God of gods (Deut 10:17, Josh 22:22). Under grace we are sons of
the God of gods and still gods (Psalm 82:6, John 1:12, 10:35).
The many words form one eternal Word and all words are to be understood in that
context (John 1:1, Rev 22:18-19). The subject of the Word is salvation (Matthew
4:4), it is as Christ eternal life (Mat 4:4, John 11:25) and the time period of
relevance is the eternal (Matthew 8:22, 2 Peter 3:8, Rev 21:6) with the general
perspective being that of God's (John 1:1). It is not written in the sequential sense
but is instead inter-dependent and inter-linked like a spider’s web or neural
network with multiple cross references. It is infinite (John 1:1) and written rather
like a jigsaw with the pieces deliberately mixed up in some measure to allow the
reader to understand only at the level appropriate to his desire for the truth
(Matthew 13:10-16, Mark 4:11-12, 1 Cor 2:14, Heb 4:12). This is why it is a
Parable containing many parables (Psalm 78:2, Mat 13:10-16, Mark 4:13-14). The
subject matter of focus is the spiritual (John 4:24) and the supernatural. Therefore
what might seem obvious materialistic deductions will be incomplete or wrong (1
Cor 2:14). The most ‘obvious’ superficial interpretation is often at odds with other
passages of the Word and is therefore incorrect (John 1:1, 10:35).
The Word, being God, is a living spirit Being, a Person (John 1:1, Rev 19:13-16)
and is eternal and written from the eternal viewpoint with the ‘tense sense’ alien to
us, for example future events are described as in the past (Psalms 22:16-18, Rev
20:4) or present (Psalms 22:14-15, 18) because to God they are (Rev 10:6). The