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3:9). Christians however know in their spirits all that is required for right conduct
and righteousness, as do all men (Rom 1:20), and would do so in their conscious
minds if they but chose to know it (1 Tim 3:9). To be pure and saved does not
require of us the omniscience of God (1 Cor 2:11) as it is a mystery (1 Tim 3:9, 2
Tim 3:15). The Word does not obey Man's logic but is rather written in God's
'logic' of omniscience (John 1:1, 14, 21:17) being its own language (Zeph 3:9).
As a mystery God is both male (Mat 6:9, Luke 11:2) and female (Prov 3:13-15, 18,
8:2-4, Jer 23:6, 33:16, Rev 2:7, 22:2) whilst also Father, Son and Holy Ghost (Mat
28:19). Jesus is our brother as the Son of God (John 1:12, 34) and our sister (Prov
7:4). Wisdom is God (Prov 3:13-15, 18-19, 8:4, 7-8, 11-12, 14-15, 17, 20-21, 22-
35, 36) in the Person of God and Christ (John 1:1, Prov 8:30). Therefore He
created Man as a soul (Gen 2:7) both male and female (Gen 1:27) in his image
(Gen 1:27). Indeed only under and by the Law is the man able to rule, or have
dominion over, the wife (Gen 2:20, 3:16). Dominion is the other image of God and
by this image or signature the ownership by God of all Creation is attested (Gen
1:26, Mal 3:8, Mat 22:20-21, Mark 12:16-17, Luke 20:24-25, John 1:3, Rom 9: 20-
21, Rev 22:13). The soul has, in a mystery, dual sexuality (Gen 1:27, 34:2, Luke
16:23). A soul exists either in Heaven, Hell or on Earth and is an image of God
(Gen 1:26, Luke 16:22-24, Rev 20:12).
The Word makes no logical sense to the human mind as we understand logic (1
Cor 2:11-16). God can not be reduced to our logic and thus controlled by us
(Isaiah 55:9). Two key doctrines prove this point both of which are illogical.
Christ is a Man (1 Tim 2:5) and is God (Heb 1:8). Logically this means that a Man
can be God and God can be a Man. This is not so (Gen 1:1, 26, Job 9:32), yet a
Man is God and God is a Man (1 Tim 2:5). This is illogical to human thought and
yet these truths are true and revealed mysteries (Mat 16:17, Heb 1:8), a valid
contradiction or antinomy. The Word says that God is not a Man (Job 9:32) and
that God is not Man, as the generic entity (Hos 11:9), in which case, by logic,
Christ who is God (John 1:1, 14) can not be a Man. Yet he is (Isaiah 51:12, 1 Tim
2:5). By a mystery therefore God is a Man (1 Tim 2:5) and is not a Man (Job 9:32)
or Man (Hos 11:9). God is fully God and fully a Man (Col 2:9, 1 Tim 2:5). This is,
by Man’s logic, utter nonsense and is yet absolutely true.
The Trinity establishes the total, absolute and precise equivalence of God with
Christ (John 20:28), the Holy Ghost and God, the Father (Mat 28:19). Logically