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because there can only be one God they would be God (Gen 3:5, 1 Cor 8:4-6).
This is impossible (Rom 3:10). God instituted the Law, as a moral code, to show
Man the folly of this approach (Isaiah 28:9-13, Gal 3:24). God has kept and
fulfilled the Law (Mat 5:17, Heb 4:15). God accepts any simultaneous, internal
and external, consistent pattern as Godly as what a Man may wish to have done to
him under the Golden Rule could be anything for or against the individual
commandments of the Law (Mat 7:12, Gal 3:21). So Man has every opportunity
afforded him by God to be God but will always fail in this endeavour which is the
natural instinct of any created being given self-awareness and free will (Rom 2:14-
15, 3:9-10). The contradiction of sin which causes death (Rom 6:23) is that in
trying to be God one must try and imitate God as He is a monopoly of what it is to
be God (Ex 3:14, Rom 1:20) yet be unlike God in not having God as one’s God
(Mat 27:46, John 20:17). Also, God had to die as Christ (Gen 2:17).
A practising homosexual, who, say, enjoys 'submissive' anal sex is, under the Law
and the prophets (Mat 7:12), which is the Golden Rule (Mat 7:12), commanded to
practise 'dominant' penetrative sex as well as being commanded by the Law not to
practise it (Lev 20:13, Rom 1:27). This is an example of the Law issuing
contradictory commandments but God's standard demands this for He is, as a
mystery, both a Man and God (John 20:28, 1 Tim 2:5), although God is not Man,
or a Man (Num 23:19, Job 9:32, Hos 11:9, John 1:18). God has to be the antinomy
or reconciled contradiction and contradictions that He is, in order to save Man
(John 1:14, 1 Tim 2:5-6). It is His Nature (Rev 22:13).
The unforgivable Sin
This removes Christian status and is therefore a unique sin as the sinner is now
back under Law and condemned indeed by the Law (Mat 12:31, Heb 6:4-6, 1 John
Curses & Suffering
Curses of God can last for a lifetime (Deut 7:10), or 3-4 generations (Deut 5:9-10)
or afflict the children of the sinner who is aware of the connection (Job 21:19), but
can sometimes be forever as regards the descendants in this world (Deut 28:46).
That curses are the secondary will of God and can be seen as such as they conflict
with the primary will. For example the primary will is that no descendants die for
their parent’s sins (2 Chron 25:4, Ezek 18:17, 20) but the secondary is different as
shown above. This is because tendencies to particular sins, or patterns of
interaction with God (Rom 8:28), may run in families for 3-4 generations (Job