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However, as a mystery, these two great commandments are the commandments
that apply after Christ's fulfillment of the Law in the Christian (Mat 22:40, Gal
3:10-13, Rev 22:2). The commandment to be saved is part of the Law (John 3:7)
and, as a mystery, is also the escape from it by fulfilment (Rom 3:31). Only by
originally being under the Law in the first place can any being be saved and that
only by fulfilment (Gen 3:22). This is the purpose of the Law (Rom 3:19, 7:7, Gal
3:19, 24). The parabolical Adam was under the Law in spirit by the initial
commandment of God (Gen 2:17, Rom 5:13) but was commanded not to
follow it in the flesh (Gen 2:17, Rom 4:15). In this sense Paul, being
parabolically of one 'blood' with Adam and therefore one 'I' with Adam (Acts
17:26, 1 Cor 15:2-22, 45), could say that he had been alive without the Law(-in-
flesh) (Rom 7:9). The same applies to us (Gen 2:17, Acts 17:26, Rom 4:15, 1 Cor
15:2-22, 45). The evolved men were always under the Law (Gen 1:27 re ‘image’
Matt 22:20-21, John 7:49, Rom 2:15, 7:1, Gal 4:4) by reason of their evolution and
birth from the material world (Rom 7:1, Gal 4:4, Rev 22:18-19), which is why
Jesus was under the Law (Gal 4:4).
The book of the Law (Deut 29:21 Rev 22:18-19, is the Word (Jer 6:19, John 1:1,
14, Rev 19:13) is Christ (John 1:14) is God (John 1:1), is the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil (Gen 3:5, 22), is the tree of curse (Gen 2:17, 3:14, 17, Gal 3:10)
and is by a mystery the means to escape the Law namely the same God (John 1:1,
Col 2:14), Christ (John 1:14), the Word (John 1:14), the book of the Word (Deut
29:21, Rev 22:19-19), the tree of life (Rev 22:2), the book of life (Rev 21:19)
which was for our sakes cursed upon the tree of curse (Gal 3:10-13, Col 2:14). To
follow the Law is try and be God (Gen 3:5, 22, Psalm 82:1, 6-7, John 10:34-35,
Rom 10:3). Love is God and therefore for us to love is, as a mystery, for us to be
followers of God without trying to be God (Gen 3:5, 22, Isaiah 14:13-14, 1 John
4:8). The book of the Law, the Word, fulfils the Law thus annulling its
applicability - the 'it' in question (Jer 6:19 ‘it’, Rom 10:4, Col 2:14). This is all a
mystery as the nature of God is beyond our rationality, comprehension and logic
such that by our minds we cannot de-construct God and re-assemble Him (Rom
7:1, 1 Cor 2:11, Eph 3:19).
With regard to what the Word calls evil, condemns or commands it is the Law that
is being referred to (Deut 30:10, Mat 5:17-19, Rev 22:18-19) and the Law applies
by default (Rom 3:19). This applies to the Gospels and New Testament as well
(Mat 5:3-19). Indeed the Law is still operative (Mat 5:18) and the one Word is
addressed to the whole of Creation (John 1:1, Rom 1:20, Rev 22:18-19)
irrespective of any specific address (Psalm 139:7-11, Hab 3:19). Jesus in the
Gospels and the Word throughout the New Testament continually adds to the Law,