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re-defines and refines it (Mat 5:19, Acts 15:29 ‘blood’ would include one’s own
blood and that of others as well if under the Law (1 John 1:7, 5:8, Rev 13:10). ).
Saints can refer to those under the Law (Deut 33:2 ‘fiery law’). Indeed the whole
Law is defined as just one commandment during this process, the ‘Golden Rule’
(Mat 7:12). All of the Law is fulfilled for the Christian and therefore the
commandments of the Law are of interest to the Christian (Rom 3:20, 8:1, 4),
because they are, as a mystery, fulfilled automatically by his status as a Christian
(Mat 5:17-18, ‘till all be fulfilled’, Rom 3:31, 8:4). A Christian loves his
neighbour perfectly in spirit which represents the fulfilment of the Law (Rom 13:8,
Gal 5:14). The Law is operative for all (Mat 5:18) either by fulfilment, for
Christians (Rom 3:31, 8:4), or by obedience for all others all of whom were/are
always under the Law (Gen 1:27, 2:17, John 7:49, Rom 1:20 ‘from the creation’,
3:19, 4:15, 7:1). The Law can only be fulfilled by Man through Christ, not kept
(Mat 5:18, Rom 3:19-20).
The second of the two great commandments, once fulfilled as in Christians (Rom
8:4, 10:4), fulfils the whole Law (Rom 10:4, Gal 5:14). Also this fulfills that which
is the same thing as the whole Law namely with the 'Golden Rule' (Mat 7:12). This
is because God is, in this case, the Fulfilled Law (Mat 5:17-18) but He is also the
Unfulfilled Law (Deut 30:10, John 1:1, 14, Gal 3:13, Rev 19:13, 22:18-19) and the
Law, i.e. all are the same in God. The equivalence of identity between the Word
and the Law arises in the starting point (Gen 2:17, 3:22, Rev 22:2), the outcome
being a function of one’s interaction with God (Rev 20:12). As God is love one
must obey the first great commandment to obey the other properly (1 John 4:8).
The second great commandment is therefore “one word” or the Word (Gal 5:14
one Word composed of many and therefore not literally ‘one’ word as in a single
word - Rev 22:18-19), the Tree of Life (Rev 22:2), the easy yoke or burden and
Christ (Mat 11:30, John 1:1, 14, 14:21). The second great commandment is, once
fulfilled, the Law by fulfilment (Mat 5:17, Rom 2:27, 3:31, 8:4) i.e. Salvation
(Rom 8:4, 10:4), the book of the Law (Deut 30:10, John 10:34-5) and the Word
(Rev 22:18-19). The Law, the book of the law and the Word is the Law by
commandment (Deut 30:10, Jer 6:19). The Word is the end of the law (Rom 10:4)
and its beginning (Gen 2:17, 3:22, Rev 22:13), but both, Christ, are the Law (Gen
1:1, Deut 30:10, John 1:1, 14, Rom 10:3-4, Rev 22:13).
A Christian can only sin against the two great commandments (Mat 22:40, Rom
10:4, 14:4) or commit the unforgivable sin (Heb 6:4-6) but since that means loss of
Christian status (Mat 12:31, Heb 6:6) this state of sin is experienced by the former
Christian in time as we understand it 'after' Christian status ceases (1 John 3:9).