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Law meaning that for the Christian whenever and however he obeys the two great
               commandments and does by this process, solely, bring love, joy, peace, long-
               suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance to that Christian
               and others; this is never wrong (Rom 10:4, Gal 5:22-23, Col 2:14).  This is
               irrespective of whether it conflicts with the Law, whether ‘Old Testament’ or ‘New
               Testament’ Law (Rom 10:4, Gal 5:22-23).  These are never wrong for the Christian
               in the act of obeying the two great commandments (Gal 5:23) but they are not the
               commandment itself (or commandments) only the two great commandments
               together are that for the Christian (Mat 22:40, Gal 5:22-23).  The impulse of the
               perfect basic spirit within a Christian is to obey the two great commandments (1
               John 3:9) and the Holy Ghost within the Christian encourages the Christian to do
               so too (1 John 3:9).

               The Golden Rule

               This is the Law (Mat 7:12).  This means that all the commandments of the Law can
               be exchanged for this one commandment (Mat 7:12).  However as it is the Law it
               must be kept perfectly which Man can not do (Rom 3:19, Jam 2:10).  It is Man’s
               judgement being taken seriously by God and given a chance to prove itself as a
               means to righteousness (Mat 7:12, Rom 10:3).  Man is allowed to be the arbiter of
               what is right but even then can not keep to his own statutes perfectly (Rom 3:19,
               10:3).  Indeed these will change anyway whilst true righteous standards can not
               change (Mal 3:6).  It is Man’s attempt to determine righteousness and then judge
               himself sinfully by his own standards (Mat 7:12, Rom 2:1, 12-16, 10:3, 1 Cor 4:5),
               which is duly accommodated by God in the Golden rule so as to be valid although
               initially enacted by disobedience (Gen 2:17, 3:22, Rom 3:20, 4:15). As a mystery
               the man-developed Golden Rule is equivalent to the Law given by God which is
               God (Deut 30:10), and is ordained by angels (Gal 3:19), given by the disposition of
               angels (Acts 7:53) and by Moses (John 7:19).

               A Christian takes up his cross by the continual hanging of the Law which is
               Salvation (Mat 16:24, 22:40, Mark 8:34, Luke 9:23, Rom 3:31).

               The Law is also partially described in Acts 15:20, 29 and 21:25 the obligations of
               which, being part of the Law, are together, sinfully, not something that can be kept
               (Rom 3:20).  Of course to be righteous by the Law, and not by Christ, involves
               abstaining from Christ’s sacrifice (Acts 15:20, 29, 21:25 -‘blood’).  It is necessary
               for Man to justify himself by himself that he not partake of the Tree of Life and its
               vicarious sacrifice for sin obtained by faith and grace (Gen 3:22, Acts 15:20, 29,
               21:25). Instead all believers are first called from outside of themselves (Gal 5:13).
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